If you can't spend 100 if that on a W7 after 10 years i think you need to rethink what and where you spend your money... the economy is bad and all but I am able to buy save for a new rig on unemployment...
You're exactly right, I do have to watch where I spend my money. here's a hint, it's not on an OS upgrade I really don't need right now. I have two daughters that are growing like weeds that needs new clothes every year, and realistically, more like every 6 months. Not to mention all the other costs two children entail. I will barely have money to spend on Skyrim when it comes out, it's just because it's going to be 17 days before my birthday that I"ll be able to justify the money spent on it. Otherwise i'd be waiting for it to come down in price, or for the GoTY with whatever DLC. Being an advlt means you have to prioritize things, and computer stuff falls at the bottom of the list.