» Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:32 pm
This is a direct quote from the user "SoilentBlue" on OCN,
"milliseconds. It means that using the DX11 API, there's a huge overhead of unused compute time that gives the engineers the ability to add in more features, content, etc. It's great because it means that PC will have much more than consoles. It's horrible because that shows just how much consoles held back the PC version. Console developers fight tooth and nail just to scrounge an additional ms for anything.
Basically, the video card takes time to preform the tonnes of computations to render out a single frame. With a millisecond being a unit of time, it goes to show you just how much a computer can do in that duration. The minimum spec for PC has the video card shelling out over 500 gigaflop/s and it's not even a DX11 card. If memory serves, the first DX11 cards came three generations later (9k series, 200 series, and arriving on the 300 series).
According to the CE3 autopsy posted a couple of days ago, water ripple propogation took only .2 milliseconds on consoles. The 16 ms in comparison would be akin to adding water propogation 80 times and not having any hindrance on performance, we still have to wait and see how much they will cram in but yes it's a VERY VERY good thing. to give you an idea of it sun shadows(very demanding) take between 2-5ms. they are talking about a good chunk of overhead before damaging your current fps. the new engine is quite impressive so we will see just how far they go now that they are not having to cater to consoles. "
understand?... I think this should be added to OP with a referance to the twitter post.
Can you give me the link ?? i'll update the thread!