DirectX11 Update

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:11 am


Yes, to whoever didn't see Cry-tom's post this morning


Cry-Tom :
No patch was ever confirmed, I have no idea why this website even posted such information. This thread is locked just the same as the others for trying to spread inaccurate information. When there are any big announcements regarding Crysis 2 they will be posted on gamesas, if you read something about a patch for example, but don't see it on, then it isn't genuine.

Here's the post since everyone want to see by themselves

Patch 1.2 will be made available through Auto-download feature in the coming week

Cooking some great DX11 tech bits for C2 fans, be patient guys. All I can say, is that we have 16 ms or more to have fun with pc hardware... (Source Twitter Account)
-----------------------------------------------What it means------------------------------------------------------
"milliseconds. It means that using the DX11 API, there's a huge overhead of unused compute time that gives the engineers the ability to add in more features, content, etc. It's great because it means that PC will have much more than consoles. It's horrible because that shows just how much consoles held back the PC version. Console developers fight tooth and nail just to scrounge an additional ms for anything.

Basically, the video card takes time to preform the tonnes of computations to render out a single frame. With a millisecond being a unit of time, it goes to show you just how much a computer can do in that duration. The minimum spec for PC has the video card shelling out over 500 gigaflop/s and it's not even a DX11 card. If memory serves, the first DX11 cards came three generations later (9k series, 200 series, and arriving on the 300 series).

According to the CE3 autopsy posted a couple of days ago, water ripple propogation took only .2 milliseconds on consoles. The 16 ms in comparison would be akin to adding water propogation 80 times and not having any hindrance on performance, we still have to wait and see how much they will cram in but yes it's a VERY VERY good thing. to give you an idea of it sun shadows(very demanding) take between 2-5ms. they are talking about a good chunk of overhead before damaging your current fps. the new engine is quite impressive so we will see just how far they go now that they are not having to cater to consoles. "
(Source is SoilentBlue On OCN)


Guess we'll have to wait a little bit more guyz ! :@

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:15 am

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:52 am

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:43 pm

Yes, to whoever didn't see Cry-tom's post this morning (for me)

Cry-Tom :
No patch was ever confirmed, I have no idea why this website even posted such information. This thread is locked just the same as the others for trying to spread inaccurate information. When there are any big announcements regarding Crysis 2 they will be posted on gamesas, if you read something about a patch for example, but don't see it on, then it isn't genuine.

Guess we'll have to wait a little bit more guyz ! :@

Really because he said "no patch was ever confirmed" seems like He's saying maybe there is never going to be a DX11 patch and if there is we are not supposed to know. Which is just insane because among other things the game was marketed as DX11 by Cryteks partner Nvidia.

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John N
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:53 am

Yes, to whoever didn't see Cry-tom's post this morning (for me)

Cry-Tom :
No patch was ever confirmed, I have no idea why this website even posted such information. This thread is locked just the same as the others for trying to spread inaccurate information. When there are any big announcements regarding Crysis 2 they will be posted on gamesas, if you read something about a patch for example, but don't see it on, then it isn't genuine.

Guess we'll have to wait a little bit more guyz ! :@

Really because he said "no patch was ever confirmed" seems like He's saying maybe there is never going to be a DX11 patch. Which is just insane.
it sure looks like it.. hell it even annoys me more they arent saying if they are working on dx11 or not :p..
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:26 pm

Whether a patch is coming out this week or not, I know one thing for sure - I am NEVER buying a Crytek game again during launch week.
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Amy Smith
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:06 am

Whether a patch is coming out this week or not, I know one thing for sure - I am NEVER buying a Crytek game again during launch week.

+1 Clearly in future we at least need to hold back the cash until the goods are on display.

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Ilona Neumann
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:56 pm

Whether a patch is coming out this week or not, I know one thing for sure - I am NEVER buying a Crytek game again during launch week.


+1 too!, i think this goes to any other game i'll buy on pc/ps3/xbox/**** atari
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Jonathan Montero
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:20 pm

ACTUALLY it was confirmed by a crytek member in twitter. That's proof enough. You should have checked there Tom.

I knew it probably wouldn't be today but who knows maybe later tonight? But i know it's suppose to be like this week or maybe April unless it's a hoax? But a member of Crytek confirmed about dx11 discussions in his twitter thread. Head over there to check it out.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:41 am

ACTUALLY it was confirmed by a crytek member in twitter. That's proof enough. You should have checked there Tom.

Talking about tiago ?
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:44 am

That has been removed from his twitter page....


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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:33 pm

Whether a patch is coming out this week or not, I know one thing for sure - I am NEVER buying a Crytek game again during launch week.


+1 too!, i think this goes to any other game i'll buy on pc/ps3/xbox/**** atari

To be honest I will always own the best hardware regardless of if thats a PC or New Console so now I will probably always be suspicious of rmulti plat real time editing, and (especially if it's a console) I'll be looking at exclusives 1st wherever possible.

But if Crytek can pull something out of the hat with DX11 maybe they can prevent me from discriminating against multi plat real time edited games.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:30 pm

Really because he said "no patch was ever confirmed" seems like He's saying maybe there is never going to be a DX11 patch and if there is we are not supposed to know. Which is just insane because among other things the game was marketed as DX11 by Cryteks partner Nvidia.

That actually makes me think there won't be a DX11 patch.

I know of people who've said they're not buying the game because there is no DX11. If only Crytek would say "yes there will be a DX11 patch, don't worry", those people would probably buy the game now.

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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:40 am

+1 mate!
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Grace Francis
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:47 pm

This is hard for me to say but who wanna buy my copy of C2?
But to be serious. Does this mean that the news story on Maximum PC was wrong?
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Crystal Birch
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:33 am

This is hard for me to say but who wanna buy my copy of C2?
But to be serious. Does this mean that the news story on Maximum PC was wrong?

Apparently this ---> According to a German website (and now confirmed by Crytek) is some ****.
source of the **** ? cry-tom , he's gotta be right LOL!
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Emilie M
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:24 am

"That has been removed from his twitter page....


HAHAHA!! Good one.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:42 am

U know what i think ?
we will only get the dx11 patch in may.
U know why ?because they probably are making the patch not only to implement dx11 but also to improve the general looking of the game...
But that's only what i think....
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:52 am

Yes, to whoever didn't see Cry-tom's post this morning (for me)


Cry-Tom :
No patch was ever confirmed, I have no idea why this website even posted such information. This thread is locked just the same as the others for trying to spread inaccurate information. When there are any big announcements regarding Crysis 2 they will be posted on gamesas, if you read something about a patch for example, but don't see it on, then it isn't genuine.

Here's the post since everyone want to see by themselves

Patch 1.2 will be made available through Auto-download feature in the coming week

Guess we'll have to wait a little bit more guyz ! :@

here is your proof dx11 is in the works. Seriously Tom check this now.
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:38 am

That has been removed from his twitter page....


Anybody else get the impression Crytek want us to think there is a DX11 patch coming soon for the moment. But only if they can create that impression without actually getting caught on record saying it "officially".

I wouldn't be that surprised if 2 months from now Nathan Camarillo says "Oh yeah about that DX11 announcement... There isn't any DX11".

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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:42 am

If they didn't close off all communication sources for information regarding patches and whatnot, this sort of **** wouldn't happen in the first place. Get a God damn grip, Crytek. Officially, there is no DX11 update even planned.

I'm sick of this ****. I paid $60 for a game that's mostly broken, filled with hackers and you guys are still svcking on that "information will be available when it's available" ****. I'm sorry, but that's ****.

Most of the problems were in the God damn demo. Does it take a friggin' month to fix a sound loop error in the menu? Does it take a month to fix progression/unlockable item loss bugs? Does it? I don't think it does. So why the hell do we still have to put up with this ****? More importantly, how come these problems aren't present on other platforms?

Make a list, put things that you have fixed/are fixing for the latest patch in there. And give us a proper time frame. It's not that f***ing hard!

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:29 pm

It's a bit sad, release Crysis 2 even without dx10, since first crysis have.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:22 pm

Yes, to whoever didn't see Cry-tom's post this morning (for me)

Cry-Tom :
No patch was ever confirmed, I have no idea why this website even posted such information. This thread is locked just the same as the others for trying to spread inaccurate information. When there are any big announcements regarding Crysis 2 they will be posted on gamesas, if you read something about a patch for example, but don't see it on, then it isn't genuine.

Guess we'll have to wait a little bit more guyz ! :@

Really because he said "no patch was ever confirmed" seems like He's saying maybe there is never going to be a DX11 patch and if there is we are not supposed to know. Which is just insane because among other things the game was marketed as DX11 by Cryteks partner Nvidia.
Thats ****!!! I bought 2!! german pc magazins called pc action and pcgameshardware both of them stated that there would be a dx11 day one patch so WTF is he talking about there was no patch announced crytek confirmed that there was going to be a patch and that the leak wouldnt affect the developement of dx11
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:26 am

very interesting... <--- The comment still exists here

BUT WAIT <----- It's been removed here

Can anyone explain this to me??
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john page
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:03 pm

maybe you browser cache is playing a trick on you...
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