Does anyone know how I might do this?
Would I need to attach a spell to the creature's spell list for instance? Or would this need to be done in some other way?
I'm stumped and need advice. Thanks
Set Target to GetSelfIf ( Target.GetIsID [Ogre] == 1 ) ; Do Something else, perhapsElse Player.PushActorAway Target 50EndIf
Set Target to GetSelfIf ( Target.GetIsID [Ogre] == 1 ) ; Do Something else, perhapsElse Player.PushActorAway Target 50EndIf
Set Target to GetSelfIf ( Target.HasSpell BigCreature == 0 ) Player.PushActorAway Target 50EndIf
Set Target to GetSelfIf ( Target.HasSpell BigCreature == 0 ) Player.PushActorAway Target 50EndIf
short rollshort strenshort endurshort resultSet Target to GetSelfset roll to GetRandomPercentset stren to Target.GetActorValue Strengthset endur to Target.GetActorValue Enduranceset result to roll-(stren+endur)/2if result > 0 Player.PushActorAway Target resultEndIf
short rollshort strenshort endurshort resultSet Target to GetSelfset roll to GetRandomPercentset stren to GetActorValue Strengthset endur to GetActorValue Enduranceset result to roll-(stren+endur)/2if result > 0 Player.PushActorAway Target resultEndIf
scn pushactorawaybowscriptref targetshort selfthrowbegin scripteffectstartset Target to getselfset SelfThrow to Target.GetActorValue PersonalityIf (Target != Player) && (SelfThrow != 5)Player.PushActorAway Target 50endifend