Looking at it, the best I could come up with would be to filter the successful bribe dialogue for that NPC and make the response reset the disposition to a specific value, nullifying the bribe. It's not ideal though.
I think Emma's Laura Craft refuses all bribes. You could download that mod and see how it was done
If I recall correctly Laura accepted the bribe but would take about 5000 gold in a huff - and her disposition was set lower - the idea was to punish the player so they didnt do it again by making it expensive and unsuccessful
Melian had a more scriptive way of managing the disposition so you could bribe but it wouldn't effect disposition - it might be in Comes by Road - I've put filters in for characters so if it is succesful they just wonder what you are doing - their disposition doesn't change
Thanks, everyone!
This sounds the simplest and probably most bug-free, so I'll try this first.
Edit: Durr, of course I forget to ask. How do you prevent their disposition from changing?
You need to compensate for the increase the engine gives so it cancels out
Here's a http://1drv.ms/1HO3ZXN
For http://1drv.ms/1HO4f9r I actually let her hug the player and didn't worry about the disposition boost - i could have added the -5 moddisposition if I wanted to but Admire fit with the theme
Thanks, Illy! That's so much easier than what I was thinking. You've saved me from running wild on buggy scripts and so on.
Disposition change isn't fixed is it? So "moddsiposition -5" might not always be accurate. I've had more than 20 points jump in disposition from bribing.
There are 3 types of success according to the game settings
fBribe10Mod 35.0000
fBribe100Mod 75.0000
fBribe1000Mod 150.0000
according to MWSFD it says "Dictates amount that NPC Disposition will raise on a successful 10 Gold Bribe –
Don’t believe it’s in straight disposition points – Could be percentages - (Other
factors like race, six, opposing faction etc. reduce this amount significantly)"
I was never able to tell in the dialog box which amount the NPC was referring to so set it to a default of -5
It could just as easily be set to a much higher negative to reinforce the NPC's displeasure at getting bribed
The only way to correctly fix the disposition is by scripting
Melian added a global and would add this line to Bribe fail - note even she just set a default number of 7
set mel_CBR_Disp to ( mel_CBR_Disp - 7 )
You were really hammered in the Bribe success as this was her results box code
set mel_CBR_Disp to ( mel_CBR_Disp + 1 )
while ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 8192 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 8192
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 4096 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 4096
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 2048 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 2048
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 1024 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 1024
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 512 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 512
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 256 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 256
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 128 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 128
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 64 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 64
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 32 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 32
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 16 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 16
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 8 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 8
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 4 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 4
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 2 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 2
if ( GetItemCount "gold_001" >= 1 )
RemoveItem "gold_001" 1
In comes by road's comapnion script Melian has this section
if ( mel_CBR_Disp > 100 )
set mel_CBR_Disp to 100
elseif ( mel_CBR_Disp < 0 )
set mel_CBR_Disp to 0
set tempFloat to ( GetDisposition )
set tempFloat to ( mel_CBR_Disp - tempFloat )
ModDisposition tempFloat
its been a long time since I spoke to her about it but effectively she was trying to manage her companion's disposition so he would not be messed around with using the persuasion lottery
Personally I found it easier to just easier to do as I showed above - Melian just laughed at me at the time and said that would work
Yeah, for a companion I might go to all that trouble, but all I want to do is add a bit of disincentive for bribing Tel Uvirith's prisoners with gold they can't use in jail in favor of dialogue-added bribes more useful to them. I set it to default -10. Getting a 20 disp increase is rare enough that the player will probably stop due to the fact that disposition is far more likely to go down every time they try it, no matter what their speech skill.