I hope I`m not the only one here who feels disapointed with this.
I personaly think there is a seriosu lack of energy weapons in fallout 4, we didn`t get anything new other then the same weapons as previous games and even the mods defeats any chance of making a pure energy weapons loadout.
The only mod that makes lazer weapons and plasma weapons usefull in one loadout, for me personaly, is the flamer caster mod in the Plasma rifle, evry other mod is basicly a rifle with different ways of shooting your ammo....
It feels quite disapointing the lack of creativity in this, hell even a constant beam from the lazer rifle would make it more intresting if you added the burning effect but not even that Bethesda bothered to make, though admiditly the automatic lazer would fit similar effect but still not perfectly so due to recoil.
I can only hope the DLCs that will come out will bring a more creative mods then the ones we currently have.