Example: Your character has high Intelligence and is speaking to Three Dog, who explains in just about every sentence that he is "Fighting the Good Fight!" A seemingly intelligent speechline shows up sometime during the conversation: "[Intelligence] So you fight the Good Fight?"
What's intelligent about that?
There are a lot of dialogue options during the game that use a stat or skill of your character, true, but most of them don't make any sense and are plain obvious, anyone could have said that.
Well, in your example- it depends on how you say it. It means your intelligent enough to have put together the circumstances about TheeDog and his Pirate Radio Station. That particular line is one of the ways to prompt Three Dog into offering the GNR Quest - although this is certainly do-able without using that line. Maybe it's not particularly well-executed, but I was just pointing out that these things are in the game. That your stats and skills affect what your character can say to NPC's.
Look, I have no problem with anybody saying that they think FO1/FO2 is immensely superior to FO3. That's an opinion - I don't happen to share it, but I appreciate that that opinion is totally valid. But this "FO3 is a generic shooter" nonsense, this "FO3 isn't an RPG" thing - well it' just plain wong.