Is that really fair though? I mean, we've already more than established that the writing was the strong point of the first two games (and by "writing" I mean everything that encompasses) and Fallout 3 sorely lacks in that department, comparitively. Now when comparing AI from a game 10 years that quite fair? It makes sense to me that you'd say something like "Well in 10 years time I'd imagine we'd have come a bit further than what Bethesda has done with AI especially considering that their dialog, depth of quest and consequence is so shallow."
I mean...what exactly did they focus on? It's pretty obvious and they've stated it themselves quite a few times "Cool stuff" and "Environment" and while I disagree COMPLETELY with what the Bethesda devs consider "cool" I will agree their wasteland is beautifully constructed. However, I did not sign up for "Second Life: The Wasteland Edition" when I became a fan of the series. Not only that but considering I've been a fan of the series since it's conception, I've come to expect much more from a game than what Fallout 3 is offering. That's great that tons of people can go and collect their bobbleheads and decorate their houses (if I rolled my eyes right now they'd fall out of my head) but I want a game that makes me think twice about the moves I make and gives me a reason to keep playing beyond "Wow, this looks great!"
Well of course it isn't - The Rule states that in any comparison between FO1/FO2 and FO3 - you MUST ONLY consider the WORST of FO3. (there's an eye-roll statement for you)
Geez, I didn't even bring this up - if you look at the thread history, someone said that at least the enemies in FO3 didn't line up and wait for you to knock them down like bowling pins - this was in relation to whether the TB combat was well-implemented or not. But, as usual when discussing these things it all came down to "this svcks in FO3" or "FO3 is crappy because of this".
FO3 is not "Second Life: but with extra Wasteland". FO3 is not "Doom with a Fallout label slapped on it". FO3 is a Post-Apocalyptic Role-Playing Game - please don't pretend it isn't. Or if you insist it isn't - provide some rationale for why you think so. Seriously, a lot of the old guard have already conceded that FO3 is a good game, entertaining in its own right - nowhere close to FO1/FO2 but still not total crap (just like you are doing here) - and yet everytime a discussion about FO3 comes up (and on the FO3 boards, that's quite a lot) - it's all "shooter" this or "shame about all the bells and whistles - would have been nice to have some game instead" or "Steel be with you? it is to larf - talk about misreading the Lore" or "game for brain dead morons - which is all console kiddies are".
You think the bobbleheads are a bad idea? Why? People love them - they are charming and wonderful and add interesting character to the game. They, imo, have just the right kitschiness to fit in.
[Full Scale Rant Mode On - note Aqualamb, most of this isn't directed at you]
I've given up on trying to get you guys to consider the game a little more objectively. No one is even willing to admit that "Special Encounters Don't Count" is a STUPIDLY LAME excuse for why the previous games had better "design" or "versimillitude" or hewed closer to The Lore or doesn't completely demonstrate a ridiculous level of double standard. Now, I'm just on getting people to stop pretending that FO3 is some sort of lame shooter with no RPG elements whatsoever. Because it isn't. Or that it's a totally crappy game. Because it isn't.
What are you people so scared of? Look, even if FO3 is ridiculously awesome and does x, y and z better than FO1 - and even if x, y and z are RPG elements or whatever - that doesn't mean that you have to stop loving the original games. It doesn't even mean you have to stop preferring the original games. So stop knocking FO3 on baseless and totally irrelevant claims. A lot of you have already proven that you can pay this game a complement without having to vomit immediately. FO3 is not the Anti-Christ - heck FO3 isn't even the younger woman who just married your divorced Dad. What FO3 is, is the third RPG in the Fallout series.
Fallout 3 may have its fair share of flaws - but constantly harping on them, all while refusing to acknowledge flaws in the previous games - especially after they are pointed out - that's crazy behavior. But making random stuff up to slag FO3 with - pinning faults on it that don't exist, or exaggerating the ones that do exist to massive levels? I mean seriously, what is the problem. You don't like FO3 - great, this game is NOT FOR EVERYONE. But please don't lie about it.
And now, I think I'll try to calm down.