I am disappointed by the location they decided to base the next Elder Scrolls. I was very excited when they announced the previous game as taking place in Cyrodiil, but then ultimately disappointed by how unoriginal and uninteresting the entire game world was. They didn't even design it according to the lore, which, if it had been, would make it a far more unique and interesting place to explore. Now I'm beginning to feel that - like with Oblivion - they're going to end up creating another unoriginal and uninteresting game world. I'm holding a sliver of hope that they'll surprise me, and present something that is as captivating and creative as Morrowind was. I, of course, love the idea of exploring any of the provinces of Tamriel. However, an entire game based within Skyrim seems a little much. I'm once again envisioning forests and mountains, that lead to more forests and mountains, and eventually slightly different colored forests and mountains, with the occasional cave or ruin, all of which have the exact same appearance, and overall similar layouts. Then, dotted amongst the landscape, medieval castles, and towns. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of forests and mountains, I love the idea of caves and ruins, and medieval castles. However, when these things encompass the bulk of the game, and the theme remains consistent with little to no change, it gets stale quick, as Oblivion did. Especially in what is supposed to be a fantasy world, which implies fantastic settings... I hope this seemingly simple thing isn't actually pointing at another dull and uninventive world.
So, for discussion...
How does everyone else feel about the location of choice in The Elder Scrolls V?
What are your expectations for the game world? (in terms of design, appearance, layout, so forth)
If you could change the location to another province, which would you have preferred or wished to see?
I'm just curious how people feel about this, and to see if I'm the only one who really cares this much.