DIsappointed of Skyrim.

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:26 pm

I just had to share what i think of the game at the official forums, and i have full right to do it, i bought this game at full price. not trolling or anything, and if u got offended by it, then u my freind are with mental disease.

I'm not offended at all, it's just that nothing you say make sense.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:51 pm

Pretty much, only reason why I go to these forums is because I just really hate Skyrim. It came to the point I bought Skyrim got bored and bought a different game and finished that one first and still don't want to try out Skyrim.

1. New perk points, you used to unlock every point but some [censored] made it so if you got bored of one play style you get bored fast
2. Favorite menu, what kind of idiot would think I like pausing the game every few seconds, should've looked up Borderlands or Dead Island for advice
3. Morrowind was colorful so to speak, Oblivion was moderate and Shivering Isles was colorful but Skyrim is just bland, no different than Fall Out's desert.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:13 pm

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:57 pm

Melee combat falls very short and plays like a game at least 5 years old...see Dark Souls for innovative and up to date melee combat. Put that type of melee combat in Skyrim and you would have a huge winner.

The dungeon crawling gets very repetitive with rarely any uniqueness. Appears Bethesda took the quantity over quality route.

The rest of the game does impress.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:38 pm

Oblivion Dungeon image :


Skyrim Dungeon Image :


there u go, all same. same graphics, whos blind now? plus i put crappy oblivion image and yet the diffrence is almost no visible

Kind of a poor example - caverns are a classic thing in all ES, the layout, graphics etc sets them apart but a cavern is a cavern. The second one is much nicer looking though, doesn't have quite the same plastic look, plus those shoes...
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Charlotte X
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:50 pm

Melee combat falls very short and plays like a game at least 5 years old...


Trolls come up with the funniest things sometimes.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:14 am

lol, if THAT is why you are disappointed with Skyrim, you have a very shallow concept of what makes a good game, IMO.
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Peter P Canning
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:16 pm


Trolls come up with the funniest things sometimes.

Please enlighten us with knowledge instead of trolling replies.

Melee combat in Skyrim is not innovative at all and falls very short in comparison of games that are out there. If you disagree, please feel free to explain why you disagree instead of a trolling remark.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:38 pm

I guess its true.

People create accounts just to complain. Not exactly the greatest start you can have.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:56 pm


I have two theories:

#1 The most openly polemic threads get started the day after or the very same day the person starting them becomes a forum member. We all know the reason why.

On secound thought, I'll save the second theory for later.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:07 pm

A lot of the people who complain about the game being unbalanced are probably the same people who wanted to be able to levitate and run and jump at super speeds. The game is as unbalanced as you want it to be. If you're using an underpowered offensive type skill (Destruction or Two handed) then just bump the difficulty down a few notches if you need to. If your character is already overpowered then just bump the difficulty up and use weaker weapons/spells.
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Krista Belle Davis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:45 pm

unfortunately, it's really tough to put forth concerns like these on the forum. most people here just refuse to consider that combat in this game is relatively poor (especially destruction magic), the dragon fights are extremely repetitive, many of the quests are uninspired (some are good, but the whole search this dungeon to get this thing gets old really fast), and the guilds almost seem like an afterthought, considering how quickly you can complete the quest lines.

oh, and these: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Skyrim_Bugs

the game isn't bad by any means, but it clearly falls flat in many respects, and it's certainly not farfetched that one can be disappointed by it.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:06 pm

Play a different game then. :wink_smile:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:58 am

first of all, 2 bit brains who only can smash 2 buttons should leave this forum

Disappointed too. Game got alot of hype because of past games. Ill post 5 things off the bat that is turning the game off for me.

1. Outdated combat system
2. Horrendous UI design
3. Lack of immersion. ( in game economy? being told to join the mage college and I am the head of it, etc etc ) Very hollow here. There is the point As and the point Cs of quests and in game acknowledgement but the point Bs is non exsistent, which is that immersion
4. Simplified skills / attributes system ( aka nintendo like attributes of health magic stam & the perk system )
5. Repetitive voice acting & lack there of. I am not going to compare it to the past TES games, I shouldn't have to do that now as its 2011. There is no excuse for a very limited amount of voices in game.

IMHO, this feels like a beta staged Fallout 3 in a Game of Thrones setting. =\.

i agree sir. simplified game system compared to morro, less spells/magick effects, no custom spells. perk tree system is just [censored]. feels more like a hack n slash tps/mmo than an rpg

shallow mmo-ish quests: every one of them is basically go and clear a dungon, just with different reasons. and the same repetitive generic tombs/ruined forts/caves. enemies are 50% bandit (every human enemy-bandit, forsworn, necromancer whatever), 40% draugr, annoying animals every now and than. you are lucky if you find a freaking not summoned atronach. i haven't seen a single dremora in the entire game (only those i get from sanguin rose)

story: big mean dragon comes, go kill it, yeah sure, whatever i don't care :P.

the only good thing i can come up with is nice graphics. well if you find it fun the way it is then fine, cool for you & have fun. but don't start flameing like "omg complainer ur [censored] gtfo/omg u troll". for me it's too damn shallow. but since skyrim was huge box office sucsess, beth will stay with this path. just remember when morro came out to xbox, many gamers complained "omg i don't know where to go from seyda neen (starter town)".....

oh and i have havok engine (not to mention the bugs)

my only hope for offline rpgs lies with mass effect 3 (but after seeing some gamplay footage i'm not so sure if it's gonna be any good...)
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:23 pm

I'm not disappointed in Skyrim. svcks to be you. :rofl:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:23 pm

Oblivion Dungeon image :


Skyrim Dungeon Image :


there u go, all same. same graphics, whos blind now? plus i put crappy oblivion image and yet the diffrence is almost no visible

better comparison
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:29 pm

1. The graphics are beautiful and nearly every dungeon I've been in has looked unique. I ESPECIALLY love Blackreach. I wish there was a town there...

2. Err, every time I have gotten into a place where enemies can't touch me, they pull out a bow (almost all of them have some type of ranged weapon) and besides! What is a mammoth going to do?! Elephants are the only land mammal that can't jump, and I think this rule applies to their Ice-age ancestors.

3. The dragon encounters are not the same, maybe you are just fighting them the same old way and should try some variety for a change. Every dragon does everything they are scripted to do, which are it's basic combat actions. They all land on the high ground for an advantage, they all speak elements at you, they all strafe, and they all hover. Those put together make for tough battles and I for one take a load of damage against Ancient dragons (partially due to nullified resistance bug, but still, they tear it up)

4. Have you even been paying attention to the voices? there are like 3 male guard voices and 2-3 female ones. That actually seems like a lot of voice acting for the same basic enemy.

5. Everything about the crime system has been improved aside from guards coming after you even if you killed a target before they can yell. Each hold has it's own bounty, you can bribe guards, you can actually effing outrun them now!

6. Somehow, screaming "PAY WITH YOUR BLOOD!" seems a lot less epic than what Skyrim guards say. For one, guards would not be so damn gung ho about killing someone; if they take you in with a bounty, they bring money to their city and paychecks. Also back to #4, the guards in Oblivion ALL sounded the same.

7. Maybe two handed weapons are slow because you are swinging a 25+ pound chunk of metal? Just a guess, because in reality, you can't swing that big of ANYTHING as quickly as you can in OB. It is actually realistic in Skyrim (although I prefer one-handed because of the variety of finishers and I like a spell in one hand)

8. This isn't Soul Calibur, it is Skyrim, an RPG that flourishes because of the open world, not the combat. The combat is great, and from what I have seen, there are spin-n-sweep attacks, underhand cuts, overhand cuts, invert, overhand pwer attacks, dual wield fury attack. That is six right there, not even counting the awesome finishers: jump-and-stab, behead, picking them up with a claymore, spinning and smacking the sword into a bear's mouth, stabbing a saber-cat through the neck and kicking it away, the list goes on and on.

9. You make the game easy by doing that. That is your fault.

10. This is one of two things I agree with in your post, as I think you should have to buy instructions in order to craft certain armors. Would make it a lot harder and more fun.

11. Unrelenting Force. Is that a word in the ancient tongue that gives you the ability to use magic as dragons do? That is a dead giveaway that the shouts are going to be powerful. If it made enemies stumble, then it would svck and would make Dovahkiin seem like a dud.

12. Master difficulty was pretty damn difficult when I tried it, but I don't as it isn't fun for me to have to micromanage during battles with a steel-plate wearing bandit.

The second thing I agree with in this post is the fact that the bugs are annoying as hell. They will be fixed eventually though, so I'm not as annoyed, especially if my workaround to buying Hjerim works (initiated Blood on Ice by stealing the key to the house and investigating)
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