Brink proves one thing as far as I am concerned, that Bethesda make great RPG's. The multi-player has truly given a new definition to the word lag. Of course this may just be a case of launch day jitters, time will tell. Also who thought it would be good to put 16 second spawn counts into the single player game? Next time someone at Bethesda suggests making another FPS could you, instead, just take a headlong run into the nearest solid object. Maybe once the 'shouldn't have happened anyway' server problems have been ironed out I may actually find this game playable. Until then it's going straight into the pile to be traded in. Now looking forward to FNV DLC. Hope that works out a bit better for me.
Bethesda is the producer - not the developer.
Granted they have a responsibility to ensure the games are smooth, as it is there name that pops up first when the game loads.
I really beleive that dev's need to ensure that beta testing is done exactly like they are doing with Gear 3 (online, over the regular used netweork) not like in a controled environment.