First Dead Money was released as a Xbox360 exclusive 2 months after the game was out. Fans on the other platforms had to avoid spoilers and steer clear of detailed impressions on it for an unknown amount of time simply because of a stupid business decision by the publisher. If it was just a multiplayer map pack, it wouldn't be much of an issue, but this is a story-heavy RPG scenario DLC. It really svcked to have to experience that. The wait ended up being 2 months before it was released on other platforms.
Then came Honest Hearts, which was already teased in the main game since it was released. As time went by after Dead Money hit PC and PS3, more and more details about Honest Hearts leaked without Bethesda saying a word about it. There was a banner on Xbox Live, there were leaked screens from a poorly planned Youtube trailer upload, etc. Jason came on here in April to let us know what was going on the development process and the upcoming patch. That was appreciated, but then we got radio silence again for quite a while, not knowing what was going on. Then the patch hit, and the achievements for the DLC were released. Still not a word about when the DLC was out until early May.
And that was when the remaining 3 DLC packs were promised to be released monthly. It sounded like a really good idea too. After a 4 month wait for Dead Money after the base game, and a 3 month wait after that for Honest Hearts, it seemed like the rest of the DLC would finally be out in a timely manner. Only that was another goof up. It should never have been announced in that way, if Bethesda did not know for sure that they could deliver. Old World Blues ended up being delayed because of the next big patch, and it wasn't released until July.
With the delay of Old World Blues, many expected that Lonesome Road would probably not be able to meet any sort of schedule either. Yet Jason came on again and assured everyone that it would indeed be out of August. There would not be a longer wait between DLCs. Hope reached its peak as Steam released the achievements for Lonesome Road this week, only for disappointment to set in as yet another announcement is made that Bethesda is letting down the fans. It's really getting old now.
There are several other factors which make being a fan feel kinda [censored] right now. It doesn't help that the developers assure us that the DLC have basically been done for some time now, and are obviously being delayed for various differing reasons that have nothing to do with the actual DLCs being ready for purchase. It also svcks that because of the failed schedule of the DLCs, what we have been experiencing on PC is basically a DLC pack being released, going on sale for 50% or more a month after that, and then another month or so before the next DLC pack is out. This has happened with the last 2 DLC packs.
Being a committed fan who pre-ordered NV and bought every single DLC the day it was released doesn't really seem to pay off. The company seems to be treating the fans like tools, who are annoying because we keep "asking for information", so they occasionally feed us scraps when something goes wrong to hope we "go away for a while". If there's a better perspective for this from the staff, I would love to hear it. Do you actually appreciate the fans?