my great-grandma just died... I know you guys are going, "well it's your GREAT grandma. come on man!" but I actually grew up with her being happy and healthy. We went to her house every year for thanksgiving when I was growing up.. I'm sad but even sadder for my mom. It was her grandma and she has been really bummed the last couple of days. Just kind of hard to deal with deaths. And this has been the only death that I have known about ever since I was 5. Its tough, but life goes on i suppose.
It's never easy losing someone (no matter how old they were) especially if you're pretty close to them. Most recently my grandmother passed away and it was really tough. Then a few months later we had to put our dog down as well. As my sister said, "it's tough when your grandma and your dog dies both in the same year"
My condolences to your family. :hugs: