I actually enjoy roadblock type bosses as it tends to stress and push you to either switch things up or just get better.
you do realize that by this time you are supposed to have developed all weapon styles for fighting purposes right? this fight is stupid easy just put on a bow and blow up the boss its really that simple BTW when I say developped all weapon styles I mean put the weapons on and unlock the basic skill in them by levelling them up but you dont have to actually put points into every fighting style, just raise ur skill lvl with all weapons there is another boss called Belgaroth or something like that later on in which using a 2 handed mace makes that fight easy, its just a case of the right tool for the fight trial and error
I managed Cheesmonger's Hollow without dieing by kiting the boss around and letting my familiar take swipes at him. Let the pet get aggro on him as much as possible, plus the use of a few health potions. Took a while, but it worked. Ran out of health potions for the queen underground one, whatever it's called. Made things a bit more interesting, but similar strategy. Main difference is you've got two "pets" to take aggro and there are certain adds that you learn to target and destroy as soon as they appear. Used storm atronoch for that fight IIRC. Takes a while to charge though, so you've only got one or two shots with it, but it's passive damage as you run around screaming "DON'T KILL ME DON'T KILL ME DON'T KILL ME!!!"
Encountered two fights at level 7 that kept getting me, and that was one of them. Playing as Templar.
In the end I decided to go back to other quests til I went up a level. After that while still tricky it was a whole lot easier.
Levels are a reference, whenever one can't do something at a specific level, waiting a level or two oftentimes makes it possible. OR try another approach. OR get help, if permitted. I pray the game turns out to be tough as nails, since I am kind of tired of the 'walk in the park' string of MMOs 1set to the lowest level (and challenge) to accommodate everyone, and bore the heck out of the majority much too quickly.
So do I and I had some serious attempts at getting through those at 7 but I ran out of resources.
Also my build probably isn't working as I thought it might which will not have helped.
I really liked the encounters, I guess a gear and strategy test if nothing else.
You just need to know how to read the tells. Maybe there should be a bit more of a tutorial but after playing a much more combat intensive MMO (DCUO, in that game you AHVE to know how read boss tells in fights or you're a greasy smear where a superhero/villain used to be), I found these fights OK. I admit, I died the first time as I was just facerolling everything else and thought this would be just as easy but once I knew that I actually had to step my game up a bit, they were fine.
Did the Fighters Guild one tonight with my Templar....it was disappointing tbh.
The mob just summoned one minion and didn't transform.....so it was a very short & easy fight.
I died a few times trying to figure out the boss on my NB ranger before, but when I figured it out, it was a challenge, not too hard.
Of course, I didn't have any healing abilities at the time except killing the orbs when he transformed into the snake.
Im not too far from doing it again on another chara ...another templar, but a different build.
Tbh...I like the challenge when they are hard. Ofc, not having healing abilities at the time was a bit frustrating.
You have to remember that this is a combat based MMO and you have to do more than hit the right skills at the right time.