You can help him understand or be rude but if you are rude, I'm going to come unglued and that is not a good thing.
Rhyming intended?
Anyway to the OP, this community does, indeed, understand what the developers are trying to create....Which is: Something everyone can play, online or off. If someone played BRINK without internet access then the next day received it the next day, they would (depending on the skill of the player) be indeed ready to play online with others.
The Example of Left 4 Dead, that was a great example, the formula is simple but the ways to execute the strategy made it replayable
Another example would be TF2, only there is NO story in TF2 just online play
Or your example, BFBC, doesn't constantly going after objectives in rush or conquest get repetitive?
Also summer is correct in the respect of you were told to read the Brink Bible, but never given a link... So
Be sure to read it, and the updates as well, then feel free to voice your concerns.