» Sun May 22, 2011 8:50 pm
Cant disagree.
Remember that interview with oe of the leads when the beta got leaked?
He said "We have 250 employess working on the game so bugs get fixed in a heartbeat"
Well dont he just look like a lying fool now. This is really sad. PS3 got an AI fix among others. We dont get crap.
Idiot, the bugs do get fixed in a heartbeat, but the same ones get fixed multiple times. Fixing a bug has the potential to cause OTHER problems. This is why it actually takes TIME to fix a bug PROPERLY without other issues. Plus Nathan Camarillo said that statement mainly because he and the rest of Crytek were panicking that people were seeing a leaked Crysis 2. He considered it listening to music without "all of the instruments," which heavily bothered him.
As for the OP, I disagree. Actually, you people agreeing with the OP are stupid little brats who can't appreciate the fact that Crytek 1:) Fixed several SERIOUS issues (according to MANY posts on the forums), 2:) Still support the PC version and are actually fixing the PC flaws before consoles, and 3:) That even after this patch there are more patches to come. I personally, in the past 3-4 days, have seen maybe....err, 3 or 4 hackers? And I play the multiplayer A LOT. I'm not alone when I say there is a big decrease in hackers. Crytek is still working on more patches.
Also for those getting flickering with SLI and Crossfire...ATI has released updates where the flickering stops with crossfire. For NVIDIA users, either wait or cry to NVIDIA to give you guys an update.
Although many of your points are valid ones and I agree with you, you are missing one obvious concept. - This game was shipped with a horrendous amount of bugs. I mean bugs that prevent you from even logging in are pathetic. After logging in, you could then encounter a bug where the servers didn't start. After that, you could get kicked from a working server for no reason. Even if you managed to get past the first 3 bugs, you would most likely find about half of your stats would be lost. If you didn't lose your stats, then you had the privilege of enjoying a game with absolutely no anti-cheat measures.
What point am I getting at? The game wasn't, and still isn't FINISHED. They released a game before it was ready to ship. Hypothetically speaking, even if their efforts to fix ALL those problems were exceptional, and even if they fixed them all tonight, they should never have released an unfinished game. Developers are getting into the habit, ever since internet updates took off, of releasing half-finished games and quite frankly, consumers are sick and tired of having their money robbed. THAT is why people are pissed off. By the time Crytek get this product up the standards of a FINAL release, another game will be out.
EDIT: May I also point out Crytek released a BETA. BETAs are designed for the public to identify potential problems and have them fixed for the final product. Nearly every bug in the BETA is still in the game. Crytek haven't had 1-2 weeks to fix this, they have had over a month.