1.2 - Disappointing

Post » Sun May 22, 2011 1:36 pm

It's funny how they shipped an unfinished game. This is the first online game I've played with so many bugs, glitches, HACKERS that it's practically unplayable right now. This is coming from a guy who plays FPS for about 15 years now starting from Quake with a mouse and keyboard.

I know Crytek is working hard to make this game "complete". I know it takes time to patch things up.

But the thing is, we don't need to be "thankful" for their patches. It's their responsibility to finish their game, to remove the bugs.

Contrary, they should be the one apologizing for selling us an unfinished product.. A lemon.

By the way, there's about 1 hacker every 4-5 games I play. And I'm not talking about people with good K/D only, I'm talking about people killing you with gauss 200 meters away while you zigzag and jump with Feline, mobility, enhanced cloak while cloaked and running through the trees 10 out of 10 times. I'm talking about a guy that powerjumps and headshots 5 people before he lands. That kind of hacks.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 11:36 am

there have been several games that came out in the last two years needing several patches. those games were not completely fixed for atleast 2 months
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 9:57 pm

Cant disagree.

Remember that interview with oe of the leads when the beta got leaked?

He said "We have 250 employess working on the game so bugs get fixed in a heartbeat"

Well dont he just look like a lying fool now. This is really sad. PS3 got an AI fix among others. We dont get crap.

Haha,it's true mate.

They have 249 people working on **** consoles and 1 poor guy has to do all the stuff for PC version.... >.>

This Patch is a joke,nothing more.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:01 pm

Its unfinished because you whiny ADD children can't wait 2months longer for something and force developers to stick to release dates they set even before the game is finished. Whine less about a game not being released and let them finish it first so we don't have to wait 2months with a semi playable build. Because that just kills the game, and leaves us in 2months with maybe 500 people playing instead of 15,0000.
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Kelsey Hall
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 10:53 am

there have been several games that came out in the last two years needing several patches. those games were not completely fixed for atleast 2 months

Almost every PC game needs several patches. Even very high-budget and modern games like SC2 will need tons of patches.

But Crysis 2 is a special case. It not only needs a couple of things fixed. It needs a LOT of fixing. It's not that it's crashing once every few hours because of specific, problematic hardware or sometimes unable to connect. The main problems are cheating/hacking and stats rollbacks.

Me and a few of my friends bought this game to play online. It's nearly impossible to play a single hour without a guy headshotting everyone in my team and having a 60:1 K/D ratio.

Its unfinished because you whiny ADD children can't wait 2months longer for something and force developers to stick to release dates they set even before the game is finished. Whine less about a game not being released and let them finish it first so we don't have to wait 2months with a semi playable build. Because that just kills the game, and leaves us in 2months with maybe 500 people playing instead of 15,0000.

So, according to you it's the consumer's fault that they shipped an unfinished game? ADD kids "forced" the devs to release the game?
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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 1:57 am

Do u guys seriously think Crytek and EA makes money releasing a Beta game and doesnt care about fixing it? Really?
I think they are well aware that they need to fix stuff to make a profit out of this game.

I'm still waiting to buy it and so are allot of others. There is no way i am going to pay money for this game as it is now.

When they do fix it the sales probably go up, Though if it takes to long, People might just download it and play cracked version Singel Player.

Alot of people talk about supporting the Game devs and we should, But then we should expect to get a final product for our money from start.

Now it does seem like Crytek is gonna take some time to get this game sorted, To bad they will be loosing players daily......
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Sam Parker
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Post » Mon May 23, 2011 2:16 am

yeah its the crysis crisis.
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Sun May 22, 2011 5:34 pm

"Do u guys seriously think Crytek and EA makes money releasing a Beta game and doesnt care about fixing it? Really?
I think they are well aware that they need to fix stuff to make a profit out of this game. "

First of all... LOL. ok, now, lemme splain sumthin... THEY ALREADY GOT OUR MONEY.

what lost profits are you talking about?
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Lillian Cawfield
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