» Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:46 am
It became possible to place enemy troop meshes on the map, but without an AI controller, they obviously would just stand there and do nothing. Making any kind of coop gameplay became moot at that point.
Why not have one team patrol a map, using waypoints and a ruleset to ensure they don't cheat, with a 2-man team having to go through them? I mean, there already is a gamemode in which only one team has nanosuits planned, so this should be possible.
To clarify, someone posted a list of multiplayer gamemodes, one of which involved one team of nanosuited soldiers capturing mainframes defended by regular soldiers, the catch being that the 'suits only got pistols, while the soldiers got rifles and explosives.
So, why not take that mode, make a custom gamemode from it in which there is one team of 2 'suits, and another of regular soldiers (number irrelevant, as long as only a few are allowed to enter an area at a time), who have to wander around the level until they spot the 'suits (without nanosuits, they won't run around too much, or make insane jumps), at which point they have to kill the 'suits. It not only eliminates the issue with the AI being locked out, it makes it better because the "AI" won't be utterly retarded.