Does anyone else get pissed off every time one of those draugr deathlords uses a disarm shout? Seriously it takes me 10 minutes or more every time to find my weapon cause of the f***ing physics engine. Wish the weapon just spawned in my inventory after the shout.
I think it's awesome really. But, I bring a companion with me, because I never know which Draugr has that shout. I give my companion an order to walk to the other side of the area, or attack, and make the Draugr use its shout. I then use my power, or bow on it. If I have a shout, I use it first, then spam it with with all of the mana I can afford, staggering it then attack with my bow, staff or dagger when I have to get close. Of course if I don't have my companion, I use tactics to draw it towards me to an area where I can kite it somewhat; patience is a definite need for fights against those things.