Disc space for patches?

Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:37 pm

With Fallout NV being such a big game with tons of dialogue to boot, when i installed the game and realised the game is only 4.5gb i was very surprised as that's only 60 odd percent of the disc used. Now it dawns on me hey, they knew that 3gb of space would be needed later on for the GOTY edition when the patches would need to be on the disc, i must say Devs you sure thought ahead, but the thought of you thinking you will need that 3gb to make the game workable when you felt like getting around to it, is a bit worrying.

This is a light hearted dig and not fact..... i hope.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:18 am

While your installed game is only 4.5GB the disc actually has over 6.2GB on it (4x1.3GB and 1x1.01GB bin files) and a few other misc. files and though a completed install will not use all of those files they are needed for other systems with differing parts, so the choice of disc format for distribution is pretty much determined by that -- the other options would require use of multiple discs which would increase the cost of production so having the empty space on the DVD is more due to available distribution formats and keeping the content on a single disk rather than multiples rather than leaving room for expansion files.
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Post » Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:01 pm

@ JDFan

Well you learn something new everyday, i though i would take a look at a pirated download for new vegas, you are right the disc contains 2gb more data than the game install size. :facepalm:
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