Stuff I noticed, but I'd like to see a thread where stuff is listed and kept clean, not a bunch of closed threads.
* Camera shake when running.
* Audible "out of breath" breathing while running heavily.
* Birds, not sure if isolated or flock, but seems grouped.
* Good haze, no distinct switch from ground to skybox.
* Not too ecstatic about the show shader, a bit too blue and contrasty.
* A bit too contrasty when dragon shadows the character, he goes too dark.
* Loved the fire shader. No objections there. Was that heat waves?
* Separate pauldron.
* Horny helmet is a bit meh for me, but hoping there will be others

* Hair looked a bit "pisty", but unshaven face looked good.
* Frost smoke on breath? Or just when shouting?
* Can't wait to do some hunting in conifer forests. Looked awesome.
* Night looked way too bright (yet again). Hoping for ambient light control, so also consolers can get darker nights if they wish.
* Ornaments on houses looks great, but a bit overused. Maybe it is a culture theme or something?
* Horse with saddle.
* Some buildings (the mill) appears to have no interior cell, but defined as part of the exterior.
* Chopping wood. There's gotta be a "how much wood" joke in there somewhere

* Cloth simulation? Or animation? Not sure, but the female walking in front of the horse near the mill looked good.
* Loved it when it snowed heavily. Great reduction in visibility, as it should be.
* The water "looked" a bit meh, but in this case, feeling the flow is more important than visuals. Shader needs work, or additional foam.
* Hoping for an explanation in lore what a giant actually is. But he had some, ehh, "interesting" ornaments.
* DAMN good looking outfits. Awesome hooded outfit, and the "hood" on the female walking through the village.
* Autumn colors makes the best colors

Lovely non conifer forest with decent amount of undergrowth.
* Blood on weapon.
* Bard in the tavern. Hope we can actually hear him play as well.
* So you backstab your target, but nobody reacts in plain view? Anim looked good though.
* Fighting moves looks very nice. A couple of neat details there

* Translucency on the dragons wings, just... Whoa... Nice.
* Good looking full plated armor (and sword), I'm guessing elvish design. Sword is a bit too design oriented rather than practical, but hey, it's fantasy and not completely over the top.
* Some "glowy skin" but not as intrusive as it was. Weird how skin glows but not the snowy surface with a bigger reflectance.
* Camera shake on giant walking by and dragon falling to the ground.
* Snow blowing over cliffs.
* Pretty good fantasy visuals when obtaining a new shout.
AWESOME trailer, and a mindblowingly fantastic music track. Any chance of getting this (and variations) without speech and sound effects?