"The secret impresses no one. The trick you use it for is everything."
Sorry, I can't speak for any poorly written previews you may have happened across.

I get that you folks are trying to hype this thing up, but that's why you didn't announce it until the release was less than a year out. I mean, if we extrapolate the standard developer hype-train time line that might last a few years with fairly large gaps between info dumps, it would seem we won't get actual gameplay vids until a month or so from launch. The question being: Is releasing a single bit of gameplay footage really going to kill the hype? I'm not even asking for a comprehensive video, just something that shows some combat, or thievery, or this Radiant Story stuff or whatever.
My point as too magazine previews is that you guys have the perfect system for disseminating information right here. AT least, that's what I would hope for. The whole point of an official developer forum is supposed to be communication between us and you guys, yes? And as interesting as your particular grooming habits or cell phone choices might be, the real reason we are here is because we want to hear about the
game you are making. Instead we get everything second hand, a lot of it indecipherable or contradictory. And I see that Pete offers clarification sometimes on Twitter, but why not right here where you have a much larger audience and you're explanations aren't limited to a hundred and forty characters.