If the different races get different base stamina levels, they will have different speeds.
"We kept all the racial movement speeds the same, that’s now a factor of what you’re wearing and have equipped. And starting max encumbrance is the same and is based on your Stamina attribute."I'd say that makes it pretty clear that:
1) Racial movement speeds are all the same
2) Races all get the same base stamina (since they all get the same starting max encumbrance and encumbrance is based on stamina)
By the bye - having all the races have the same starting encumbrance is, IMO, even more [censored] than having them all have the same speed. The idea that a Khajiit can carry as much as an Orc is asinine to a truly astounding level.
I prefer this new system, because before your instantaneous speed would increase to crazy, faster-than-a-horse, levels. Now that instantaneous speed is fixed, we must increase our average speed through the use of more stamina.
Though you're far from the only one, I would really hope that you'd realize that there's no connection at all between movement speed relative to horses and movement speed of one race relative to another. None.