Sleign, I don't know where In my post did you gather I thought you could choose every perk in one playthrough. but this Combination and possiblities as far as the track record for beth is going is purely in numbers and not as pivotal as you may think.
Because you said "You do realize they essentially just stopped perks from being automatic as they were in oblivion, slapped tags on them and put them on a menu for you to enable right?" which falls in line with several other people that don't like the chance. This, as I interpret it, makes it seem like you think it's just a list of perks and instead of automatically getting them, you just enable them one by one until your done with all them. That's how many people seem to think of it and they don't realize that on this one character, you may use an axe and sword in your hands and you choose between perks in each tree as you level and then you make another character and your character use uses maces and swords and choose between the perk trees, the two characters won't be anything alike, even the sword perks chosen could be different. It just seems people think that they basically are being forced into a linear perk system.
I consider a bleeding perk rather dumb to be honest. You don't need to specialize with a weapon to inflict a wound that bleeds it just does't make sense.... hopefully there's more creativity to the skills you can unlock than that.
But why is this a dumb perk? Say your up against a dragon or a heavily armored enemy that is heavily defensive with blocking. When you finally get in one of the rare hits, your able to keep up damage on the target. Or say a the combat AI is much better in combat this time around (which several articles said that the combat seems to be much smarter such having to bob and weave in combat) then the target might try to run when low on health after staggering you, the bleed effect could end up killing him as he runs away. There are a myriad of useful uses for that perk and I don't see what's wrong with it. I'm sure the perks will be useful and interesting as we already know of several and they are all useful and interesting (at least to me)
Also, that brings up another thing. Some players may decide that they are getting blocked too much in their recent fights, so they decide to go with the bleed effect while another isn't having too much trouble with defensive enemies so they go for another perk other than the bleeding one. Shows the nice differentiation between the characters right there.