Tolkien Elves are not TES Elves, nor should they ever be. Again, they have more divergences than things they have in common. So no, TES Elves shouldn't be more Tolkien. This is nirn and that was Middle Earth, or Ancient Earth (same thing).
Im so sad, cause I thought you had better arguments than this, you just resorted to something very infantile.

Oh well.
By the way, Im NOT on the side of the OP. His point doesnt make any sense. Im not saying TES "should" be like Tolkien's...WHATEVER THAT MEANS. I think what he is saying is they should look like in the LOTR movie, which is as stupid as anything else Ive read.
What Im saying is that in FACT, in modern fantasy, elves are modeled in the skeleton that Tolkien (ok, and Anderson in The Broken Sword) made.
They are tolkienesque everywhere.
TES elves and Tolkiens elves actually have more in common than what they dont have in common. Every elf has more in common with Tolkien than not. Even if somebody breaks the Tolkien mold and makes elves be mischievous and kind of evil, like they usually are in mythology, BUT still makes them human like, with a distinct culture and society, its more likely this is STILL tolkienesque. If you want to make elves not tolkienesque, then you would not be making elves at all.
But what do I mean by this? Im playing with language here. Let me rephrase it with more precision: If you want to make elves that are not tolkienesque, you would be wanting to make elves that are not like they are done in modern fantasy. Sure, you can call them elves and you have conceptual backing from folklore; but you would be changing the REFERENT of the word ELF as known is modern fantasy.
Im not saying anything of this is good, bad, or that it "should be", none of that childish infantile nonsense that goes on in nerd forums all the time. Im just stating facts and anolizing them.