To me, I would think that Altmer would be the most beautiful, majestic race in all of Tamriel.
They aren't supposed to be. At least to humans, I'm sure they think that they are very beautiful.
Here are some official images of from the first PGE. Or look at some of the in, which was not restricted by the limits of facegen. That is what Altmer are supposed to look like, not pretty humans with pointy ears.
When did I ever say they had to stop being those things? Okay, I never said they have to become Tolkien's elves. I was suggesting they LOOK that way. The Altmer's pompous behavior IS similar to the Galadhrim's god-like persona, I didn't say the Altmer needed to change in game either, I just suggested a new look for them, using the Galadhrim as a reference.
For the purposes of the game, looking is as good as becoming. If the Altmer suddenly look like Galadhrim, whats to separate them from effectively being Galadhrim in the eyes of most players?
Bosmer on the other hand, I suggested they still maintain some of their cultural roots. Bosmer are primitive cannibals clad in leather in bone, okay great, THEN WHY IS THIS CLOWN FOLLOWING ME WITH A TORCH AND A YELLOW HERSHEY KISS ON HIS HEAD? Again my overhaul to the Bosmer suggests a strong silent type character, not necessarily from Tolkien's work.
Because some dev thought it would be funny? The Bosmer aren't strong silent types. They aren't all annoying comic relief, either, but they do have a dark humor tone in their lore.