(From the last page of the previous thread)
And then they released the Ultimate Doom upgrade (the fourth episode) for free too. Half of the game was free. Nowadays you have to http://store.steampowered.com/app/311340/ so it should have been obvious this was coming.
Capitalism, baby!

Still, i think this will have pretty small impact on Skyrim modding, and i'd expect their next game to have similar system too. The game after that? Maybe only Workshop allowed for distribution? The one after that? All mods have price?
Or maybe BGS themselves hate this idea as much as majority here does, and will take their games off Steam as soon as they are able without breaching any contracts they have with Valve. Of course the fact that this was first done on Skyrim makes that quite unlikely possibility.
Regardless, i have not bought Hearthfire, so what chances do you think there is of me buying a mod?

QFT. If i pay for something, i expect a product with everything the word involves. Out of the hundreds, if not thousands i've used, the ones i think fulfill those requirements i could count with the fingers of one hand and have plenty left over.