I'd love to see some varied coastlines. Ideally, the coast of Skyrwim would be diverse: http://www.ecosystema.ru/08nature/world/fr/02.jpg http://www.bobware.com/ireland/jpg/Sea%20Cliffs.jpg of gravel and stone/pebbles along the border with Daggerfall, http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_shNfb4kWu0g/SGi9f3u4j0I/AAAAAAAABAc/Qemfc3q3bzI/s400/Sea-Cliffs-Portugal.pnghttp://indigo.ie/~donances/new_web/image_files/261_slieve9.jpg around the 'middle' parts of the coastline, http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9Pc_VrGhNX8/S-fnqVTRL0I/AAAAAAAABbc/0nTNqUriQKs/s1600/Black+Sand+Beach+new1.jpg along the Morrowind border... Epic
As for glaciers, I would say reckon that to be a bit extreme. Fjords maybe, but glaciers seem a bit much for what I see as a cold but not Arctic province. I'd say glaciers would be more appropriate to Atmora than Skyrim :shrug:
Apart from the landscapes, I hope the actual sea itself will be made to be more interesting than Oblivion's underwater wasteland. Seaweed, schools of fish, sunken ships, http://www.scubatravel.co.uk/photos/italia/cave.jpg http://l.yimg.com/img.tv.yahoo.com/tv/us/img/site/81/17/0000038117_20070301141523.jpg http://pixdaus.com/pics/12432914367ulAbBk.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__mMx7lCefGY/SnLB3tCQQfI/AAAAAAAAAfc/vvI4JmZAaS4/s400/Sandstone+Cliffs+New+Zealand.png, etc could all be included with mild effort to make the world much more believable
Edit: added some examples :thumbsup: