How dare you... ?...
All it needs is for npc AI to A: (if they have one) cast a levitation spell. ,B: Run away. Or C: shoot us with a bow/spell/throwing weapon/ crossbow (please add 'em!!!)...
I also think there should be a constant chance for the spell to fail and for you to fall... it should be determined by A: Fatigue. ,B: Alteration. And C: wether your being attacked...
Also I'd like a spell for it... either the spell would weaken the enchantment (if its Disintergrate enchantment 50% for 5 sec it should be: turning fire 1 point for 3 sec into fire 0.5 point for 1.5 sec, but it should be restored after the five seconds... but if its just disintergrate enchantment 50% then it should be a permanent cut-down), if an items effect reaches 0.1 points the down-going should stop and once the duration reaches 0.1 sec it should break completely. But of course it would be a bad idea if it worked on artifacts... and therefor Bethesda would have to add a box where you can chose wether a certain enchantment should be removable or not...
i'm sorry? lol i didnt mean levitation was staying out because of combat... and your solution to the combat part is great, i agree 100%. that being said, there are other problems associated with levitation that could possibly be exploited. stealing, level bypass, things of that nature that are a lot harder to solve than combat AI. exploits with levitation specifically are more than just killing npcs easily. as for disintegrate enchantment... i dont think it should be a spell, but rather a high level perk with the enchant tree