Disenchanting the "cheap" melee

Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:02 am

So, first of all I would like to say that this thread is not meant to pick on, hurt, or offend anyone. I am just stating my opinions and simple facts

Now, apparently, as far as I what I have read on other forums and messages I have received in-game from various Crysis 2 players, many people think that the melee function of the game is overpowered, cheap, and unfair for most people.

However, I wanted to share my views on this point of view. Yes, I myself find that whenever I do get meleed there is only a very small window to react especially if I go up against a person like Manstee (sorry Manstee only person I could think of) who uses the so-called "melee glitch" where you switch weapons in between punches to punch even faster. Although, I may get killed a couple of times through this technique there is still one simple fact: the melee function and even the melee glitch is available to everyone. Everyone can use it if they are willing to try and learn it. I'm not saying that everyone should start using the melee glitch at all times to upset everyone, but the primary reason I ask everyone to please learn this "glitch" is that it helps you to overcome it when you are presented with an enemy that uses it. Remember, to know thine enemy you must think like thine enemy.

Now if you are one of the people who are just not willing to try and adapt to using melee to stay alive against other melee-crazy enemies, then I also have a different solution that I use on a VERY frequent basis in actual matches that does work many times and people that played against me in Manstee's recent 1v1 tournament that I won can confirm these tactics.

The first thing I suggest is to become more comfortable with using your visor in order to tag enemies. I tag enemies on a very frequent basis whenever they come across my vision. It is very easy and lasts for about 20 seconds before the mark goes away giving you plenty of decision-making time to intercept and kill your enemy.

The second thing I suggest is to not use your eyes to spot your enemies but instead use your hearing. The sound in this game is much more efficient than the visuals in the game primarily because of lag and other visual limitations from the PS3 itself. I guarantee you that many people use stealth enhance and other stealth modules instead of using a module called Covert Ops that reduces the sound of your footsteps that I use. Because of this you can hear people much better than you see them and can indeed save your lives by allowing you to know the general direction or actions your enemy is taking.

The third thing I might suggest is that if you can't go around the map without being meleed then let the people who melee come to you. Because they are using melee they will be forced to come to you and I guarantee most will be in stealth. This is a tactic I use very often. Many times if I find a stealthed enemy around me then they will most likely see me so I just let them run around and let them come to me. Most of the time they just waste all of their energy running in stealth and its very easy for me to just shoot them with a couple bullets as they come at me. Some people even lay C4 at their feet and wait for stealthed enemies to come. Then they jump out of the way and blow the C4 up and that works just as efficiently. You can also see what Demon_of_Elliruu does where he instinctively allows stealthed enemies to come to him and blow with a grenade launcher. This is also very efficient and most enemies won't be able to anticipate this. As you can see there are many options to disarming anyone who comes to melee you and it doesn't take very much. Some of these tactics may seem cheap or downright unfair to some people, but really is it anymore "cheap" than you getting meleed over and over again by different enemies while you refuse to try and adapt to these situations? A rolling stone gathers no moss...

Now like I said before I am not meaning to insult or offend anyone by sharing these opinions and tactics but the fact of the matter is melee really isn't all that overpowered. It only possesses the power that you give to others if you don't employ more conservative tactics along with a healthy blend of aggressive tactics. I can and will make new videos soon on my Youtube channel of Crysis 2 to show all of you the employment of these tactics in actual live matches. I'll also ask many high levels out there to private matches so I can show it even works on higher level people that melee alot.

Trust me when I say these tactics and ideas do work very well as I rarely get meleed and most of the times I can fend off meleeing enemies giving me the high k/d ratio of 6.10 that I have.

Please ask or respond with any questions or concerns or if you'd like to go into a private match with me so I can show you how effective these tactics are when employed in a match. Please be constructive in any replies and not just be a jerk. I'm just stating simple facts that help me to be very successful in Crysis 2.

My Youtube channel is at http://www.youtube.com/user/plushies2?feature=mhee if you guys would like to see some Crysis 2 videos of me from last year in October, however as those videos are not recent, I play alot smarter and differently than I do in those videos. I will start to do Crysis 2 videos again very soon as soon as I have time since I'm studying for AP tests.
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:45 am

1) This is ineffective at disenchanting, as you put it, how overpowered melee is.

2) You are experienced enough to know that most C2 players are bad. So the meleers take advantage of it as they are incapable of performing these tactics, even if you did provide them with the information they require. Does that not matter to you?

3) Noise is often muzzled by the screams of your teammates "MAN DOWN!" when they are being meleed. Meleers tend to travel in packs called squads. On a more serious note, gunfire and other sources of noise will muzzle off the enemies' footsteps often.

4) When you "glitch melee", there is no small interval to react for the common Crysis 2 player. There may be, but only if the player is the host. Any other player, no matter how fast his reflexes are, can and will certainly be killed instantly, with no chance of retaliation. Did you keep this in mind when you said it "isn't all that overpowered"?

5) Switch melee boosts you towards the target. Even if a normal melee should miss, giving the target a chance at survival in the game, your second melee would push you in, disorient the target, and allow you to do what you do best, coldly wipe him out.

6) 90% of the players you will find in this game are noobs, and will not melee you back if you went for it. Which meleers do.

7) The only regular users of the forum are experienced players that have, probably, already tried these tactics. I know I have, and I barely have any success. If it's a glitch meleer, I can only hope to C4 him because I have no shot at anything else. In any case, the C4 would likely kill me as well.

8) If a player bashed meleers and then used melee himself, wouldn't he be the least bit ashamed? There are some things called principles that keep me from going back on my word. I adapt as well as I can to my melee-filled environment. But without resorting to cheap maneuvers myself, I will not be able to overcome my placed enemies. Regardless, I hold my honor and fight it out with my trusty marshall.

9) Meleers can come from any angle. If a meleer jumped from the edge of the spear on wall street and nailed you with his switch melee, you wouldn't be able to hear him coming or fight back. Don't forget, meleers are players too; you, and the others, are able to adapt to your changing enemies. As you said, you use covert ops. So if your melee targets also used it, based on your advice on getting rid of players like you, he wouldn't be able to hear you coming, and would, as a result, die.

10) Taking all of the given: most players being noobs, melee killing any noob instantly. You can infer that a melee player would, as a result of the given noobs to slaughter, have a relatively high K/D? And wouldn't you think that those players would develop an ego? People are susceptible to such things. Seeing themselves on top would not help then if they were ever bested by another player. This would slowly kill the community from the inside out through conflicts, internal and external.

11) A new player buys Crysis 2 because his friend said it was awesome. He plays online and loses to a 2-man squad of meleers. The kid says, alright, whatever, I'll get em next time, I have a chance, right? He plays a second round, and loses again to the meleers because they switch meleed him while he wasn't looking. He sees the killcams and judges that, since they can melee kill instantly, they must be hackers. Using his childlike instinct that we know many gamers have, he will tell all of his friends that Crysis 2 is an old, unfair game. That has hackers in it. And it will never get the respect it deserves.

12) I have not been offended, thank you for mentioning that. I hope I don't offend you, but this frustrates me to no end, man.
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:21 pm

Im glad you finally said something about the "melee issue" plush, I myself was going to post something similar to yours. Just like you said; the melee switch is offered to everybody, absolutelly everyone can use it, its just a matter of practice.

The first time I ever saw it, and really made me confused, was conan, back then I was in the ISO clan and to see conan take all of us out with that, was shocking, till one day, I went to a private match and tried it myself; then I showed a3rdSon and a other few friends how to do it. Just to let everybody know, conan250 invented this style, and btw, we call it "double melee".

It took me weeks to master this style, and it wasnt easy at all (since I learned it on my own). However, conan and I, still seek for new ways of atacking.

Back to topic..

As well, I feel bad for plush since he gets so much hatemail and bs, people dont realize that he is a top crysis 2 player and one of my best rivals.
People should learn how to counter melee plays, not knowing there is so much anti melee in this game, but players are to lazy to seek them.

Plush I give a big thumbs up for your post and I strongly agree with your topic, but I think players should learn on their own on how to counter these situations.

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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:50 pm

I'm sure the counters you have listed are effective when practiced, for myself I have found a simple class including Prox Alarm and Visor enhance has reduced the number of melee deaths by quite alot. Combining this class with a more defensive and less mobile playstyle has given me instant results on this problem, without the need to go in to private matches and practice any specific techniques.

For starters, the argument that "everyone has access to it" is NOT an argument that something is not OP or cheap. If that argument was valid then nothing in any game could ever be OP or cheap because everyone almost always has access to all the games weapons and techniques (usually).

Have you ever thought corner camping was cheap? Well it's clearly not, as you can corner camp as well, right??

My reasons for stating melee is OP:
- Statistics don't lie, if alot of the top players have more melee kills than any other weapon, and if people are using melee as their primary method of offence (in a First Person Shooter) then clearly there is something wrong
- Melee (of all things) shouldn't recquire specific techniques recquiring practice and effort to counter, its f*%king melee for christ's sake, guns should beat fists hands down.

The reason I'm not "willing to adapt" and use melee and melee switch to counter this playstyle is the same reason I didn't turn to One man Army Noob tubing in MW2 to counter that playstyle, ie its not fun and its not fair

I have a simple method for judging different playstyles in any FPS game, I simple ask myself:

How fun would the game be if everyone was playing that way?

You can apply that to alot of playstyles and get your answer: corner campers, l-tagg spammers

if EVERYONE played the same way you do, I guarantee you wouldn't have a 6.1 K/D, and you wouldn't be enjoying this game very much at all

@True Pie: completely agree. all very good points there friend, thanks for taking the time to make them
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:59 pm

I agree with Pie and Sunny. I mean, my friend won't even play multiplayer anymore because he kept getting killed and was complaining about how the multiplayer was stupid because he kept dying from melee. It isn't really helping out the community. Plus, noobs such as me have a hard time dealing with dying 10 times in a row because someone knows how to use a glitched move, even if we could do it ourselves (with lots of practice). You can't say it's not glitched just because everyone can use it.
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 8:29 pm

Woah, woah, woah! I think you guys have completely misunderstood my entire post.

I am in no way condoning melee all the time like some people do. Yes, I do melee from time to time but I definitely my use my gun alot more than my melee. All I was trying to do with this post was try to comfort people and try present the view that melee can be overcome. I was only trying to help people out by presenting a few options of how to counteract anyone that might come out with full-force melee. I do not defend full-time melee at all, in fact I find it quite deplorable. I just want people to realize that melee even with the "double melee" can be defeated if you just employ some other simple tactics that even most higher level people like me don't realize until it's too late and my face is buried in the ground. I want people to like this game as you said Pie people don't really like the game because the melee is overpowered to them. Just wanted to point out a few flaws with melee and how to exploit them with enough practice. Please do not think that I defend the melee as it really is just a small part of the game
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alyssa ALYSSA
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:50 pm

I played you once. Before I left, your score was 28-2. I managed to marshall you once when you paused to tag people, and I meleed you from behind after you double meleed a noob on my team.

I'm under the impression that you abuse melee because I kept seeing the good ol' fist picture on the top-left of my screen with your name to it's left. Many, many times. Before you knew I was good, you double meleed me and I instantly died. Information that leads to the idea that you don't only use it when faced against meleers. I contacted you on this, and you said I'd have killed you with the marshall if you didn't melee me. Everybody knows that the Feline is the most powerful weapon in Crysis 2, and would likely best any marshall user in a completely fair firefight. I told you that "my enemy could kill me with his marshall" didn't apply to the other targets you meleed, and yet you still meleed them. That silenced you, apparently. Also pointing to the fact that you are conscious of your abuse. These just point to this fact, I'm not saying it's true because I don't know you well.


Misunderstood the purpose of your post?

"Disenchanting the "cheap" melee".

Disenchant: to remove illusions from, to remove false ideas from, basically to point out common misconceptions.

You saying disenchanting, and then placing the word cheap in quotations, points out that your post is to inform people of how NOT cheap melee is, which you did not do very successfully at all. So it's one of two things:

1) You were only trying to show us the ropes on how to counter melee, as you just stated, from the start. And we all misunderstood your purposes from the topic and you calling melee "not that overpowered". This would be both of our faults.

2) You started out wanting to convince people that melee, in fact, WASN'T CHEAP. You tried explaining how "easily" it is to counter if you play right. But after you received the following responses from us, you thought up something to ease your opposition.

If it is the latter, you don't have to admit it, just know that it's something that's on people's minds when you contradict yourself.

Words are powerful things, use the wrong ones and you could completely miss what you were essentially aiming to hit. Like single shot grendel and 3-round burst grendel. If you leave it on single shot and want to finish him off by tapping the R1, the one bullet alone could cost you your life.


Normal melee I can deal with, they actually DO provide you with the chance to escape melee range and open fire. But double melee(as you presented me with when we faced off) is, and I want you to really consider it, completely unavoidable and overpowered. In your words, "cheap".

There are so many players that turn into melee spammers when they see the 'pros' do what they do best. I like to call them the next generation of melee spammers. They don't know about double melee, thank god. But think, as soon as a clan member(maybe APEX, or something) sees this player racking up kills with his newly learned melee-spam attack, the clan member will recruit him and most likely let him in on your double-melee technique. Give it time, and you'll only find 4 V 4 matches of pure melee hell in Crysis 2. You'll fend off any new players wanting to play, and you'll form a new community, a community that only tolerates itself. As I said before, melee will slowly, and painfully, kill this game from it's core.


These are my views of melee. I went all out in this.

If you're going to respond, please respond to the information I presented you with. Agree or disagree.

I do not want:

-"Melee can be beat"
-"Melee has it's weak points"

I'm talking about double melee.

-"I don't abuse melee"
-"I only use melee as a preemptive strike to meleers I'm bound to face"

I'm not aiming my points at you, in particular. I only have the one match of experience against you. I'm talking about general melee, and what it's REALLY doing to this game, besides making players get "high K/D's".
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:26 am

Very interesting thread with good arguments from all parties.

I can only talk about my own experiences. Melee experts are getting high scores with very few deaths, and that is great for them, but I sincerely hate to play against them, not because I get killed by melee in new and unexpected ways, but because it's boring as hell for me to play these guys, it's always the same, there is no fun.

What I always find surprising is how these guys move around at almost impossible velocities, zigzagging without slowing down and never seem to run out of energy. My respects guys, I don't manage to do that...

And since I want to play a shooter and not a melee game, I focus on my guns. Only using melee when too close to a player to finish him with gunfire.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:23 pm

I have played quite a bit with Plush lately and I can honestly say that I've witnessed him mostly shooting players on the other team and when I was against him he was just playing smart and shot me a lot too. I think that we often play against others and judge them in this game before we even attempt to know them. I always thought Enesrko123 was a nice kid, turns out he's not, I always figured Plush was a jerk, turns out he's far from it. I fully understand what Plush is saying about melee, he doesn't condone running around using melee as the only trick in your bag but if someone gets close to you then use it. I also understand where Pie is coming from because a some certain someones ( I'm not going to name names but you know who you are ) would constantly get the upper hand by using the switch melee on me and it made me very angry until I realized that I was letting them kill me, It was all my fault! Now I think Plush has made some fine examples of tactics to use and I'm sorry but I don't think it would be fair to myself if I reveal all of the tactics I use because it took me months of hard work and experience to develop those so maybe if you play with me I'll share a few but I'm not going to just offer my hard work up for free, take the time, think about it a lot and just keep trying! A million failures await you before success!
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Post » Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:41 am

If you're really good player than there is no need to glitch, ever.
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