C4 is quite nice when using it for Guerrilla fighting, but the Cost is what makes me :brokencomputer:
Also, I would like to be able to create an IED out of Bent tin cans. Disguise yourself as NCR/Legion/Khan etc.. Drop the IED near either high Traffic areas or very important Individuals camp Tents or whatever. Walk away set your detonator out, wait for the intended targets and... boom... I think a "junk IED" that costs around $100-$250 Caps would be well worth its weight. Make it have a low Blast Radius and much weaker then C4, so if you need to "make a scene" the C4 is still far superior, but for intended targets it would be a lot better.
The Time Bomb is not bad, but only has 15sec. C4 is amazing but is expensive... Why not a cheap mix of the both?
Stuff it inside a Teddy Bear, Bent Tin can, 5mm Ammo Box, Toy Car, Inside clothing etc...