Will this be present in Skyirm?
I remember how in Morrowind, no one really cared that I was a House Hlaalu high level thief walking right into the Telvanni Vaults.
Will NPC's be more aware of your presence, and more specifically about where you should/shouldn't be?
Will disguises, stealth, persuasion (speech and bribery), therefore be more important?
If you follow an NPC around for awhile will they turn around and ask you what you are doing?
Will NPC thieves attempt to pick pocket you? Will they (try to) break into your house/stronghold while you are away to steal things?
Will NPC's have memories of your, their, and others actions? (For example, questioning a witness to the crime, or killing witnesses to your crime before they can talk to the guard.) Will guards look for you based on your description from their memories, meaning that disguises during or after the crime would help avoid detection?