Love happened. I think.
Love happened. I think.
One of my Elven characters threw it in White River
My Nord uses it as his main weapon though.
Your Elven character dishonored Ysgramor by not using it on the Thalmor.
I am still not sure.
I might prefer the ebony battleaxe, since it reminds me of a scythe, which fits my dark and chaotic good character.
However, Wuuthrad has a screaming face on it, that is really dark if you think about it, especially since it is a weapon known to kill elves.
A Dunmer (an elf) using Wuuthrad to kill Thalmor (who are primarily High elves), the imagery is just funny k?
An elf using a weapon known to kill elves, its an irony that has to be appreciated.
well, the Dunmer really hate the thalmor. Dunmer are enslaved by Thalmor. They are both elves but hate each other.
Also as far as Wuuthrad being a 2 hander and Ysgramor having a shield, I agree with some previous posters that Ysgramor was a legendary badass and probably could swing that axe one handed.
He ate soup with a fork, of course he was that badass.
Enslaved? The Thalmor only use Goblin Slave Labor.
Thalmor most likely hate the Dunmer because they worship Daedra and are "impure" elves also the Dunmer have the most Lorkhanite culture among the elves.
I say
Take the precious axe of DEATH TO ELVES!!!
You for got to say AND USE IT ON THE THALMOR!
You actually can, hitting Thalmor with wuuthrad and doing extra damage plus fire, shock, frost, or a combination of any two of those three as well? Hell yes, Ysgramor, I made your axe even better, now it is even more legendary, I hope I have made you proud is what I would be thinking at that point.
True. Ysgramor could divide by zero if he wanted to.
Better yet, pro Stormcloak Dunmer using Wuuthrad to kill the Thalmor, and people say that the Stormcloaks are racist, my Dunmer is proof otherwise, those who just sit around and complain need to do something for the hold before the hold does things for them. The Argonians can stay separated from the Dunmer for now, don't want potential arguments between Dunmer and Argonians.
I forget what book I read this in, but a book that was either in skyrim or oblivion said that the methods for making elven armor were a secret of the summerset isle that got out when a dumner that was a smith's slave escaped and to exact revenge shared his knowledge of elven armor.
edit: found the book
Not really you've earned it by doing two quests..... Two Quests!!
Actually, no. That'll teach him to let his PMC degenerate into a coven of werewolves.
I think it's only appropriate to use if you're Harbinger of the Companions. Kinda like the legendary weapon passed down through the ages. My head canon thing being, whoever is Harbinger after me, gets the axe after me etc.
I'm probably going to put it to rest.
I like the design of the Nordic battleaxe more, kind of resembles a scythe, which I like.