My oblivion disk will not run, I stoped playing obliivon for a while so I have no idea what caused it. When i try to run obliivon it will go into the start menu and when I click play instaid of the game starting up, a "oblivion disk not found" error message pops up telling me to insert the oblivion disk when the oblivion disk is already inserted. I hit the retry button several times and no luck. What must I do to fix this?
Can the DVD drive read the disk ? (ie. if you go to My computer - does the dvd drive show as having the disk in it and can you view the files on the disk ? -- Can the DVD drive read other DVDs ? Do you have more than one DVD drive on the system and if so have you tried placing the disk in the other drive ?
the dvd drive does not read the disk. I cant view the files on the disk and it doesnt show as having the disk in it however the dvd drive can read other disks. I did try playing oblivion in the other drive but no luck either. The only way I can get oblvion to start in the start screen is by clicking on the oblvion launcher in my bethseda program file.
Also run the delete Securom from your system and see if it will then read -- Some makes of DVD drives become unreadable if Securom is on the system