I dislike our generation of gamers

Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:37 pm

No offence intended to anyone, but it seems that whenever any gamer of this current generation tries the newer Fallouts, they will moan and whine about how boring it is. I mean yes its your opinion and I guess I should respect it, but this is not a fps, its a bloody action RPG! Why do modern games have to have such fast pace, can't these people live with a slightly slower game that actually requires some thinking? Seriously, if they find FO:NV, what would they say of the originals?! Haven't the devs already speed things up to fit modern gamer's needs? Sorry, I just can't really stand people who say FO:NV is boring or whatnot (oh don't get me wrong, you have your right to do so), and how FO3 was "so much better", for God's sake we all know FO3 had a bad story when compared to the one of New Vegas that actually goes with the original fallouts that were canon (not that FO3 was bad, on the other hand it gave us this brand new style of RPG and FPS mixed gameplay)

Note: I'm not exactly a big big fan of the original fallouts, but I respect them at the very least as being the foundations of what we have today

What do you have to say, people? Do you think we should keep FO in its current formula or should we adopt a even faster style of gameplay similar to say FPS games?
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Danny Blight
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Post » Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:13 pm

I agree with you OP. I started gaming back in '93, granted I was 4 years old, going on 5 (Super Mario Bros was the first game I'd ever beaten), but my Uncle got his hands on an SNES at work, gave it to me, havent stopped gaming since. That and Pong paired with Oregon Trail, couldn't get me off the computer in Kindergarten because of Oregon Trail. :rofl:

As for the last bit, keep your FPS out of my RPG. :P If I want an FPS I'll go play MoH, DNF, MW2/3, BF3, or Homefront.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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