alright. allow me to make a formal introduction; i am a morrowind fan. i liked the depth, the difficulty and the fact that you could conjure up a dozen skeletons to fight for you. i generally dislike the way other people play the elder scrolls games (primarily because they play it on a much easier difficulty to which i simply roll my eyes). i won't argue that I'm the best elder scrolls player but i have never shied away from a challenge in any of bethesdas' games mostly because of the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction i get from beating a big badass with a character i myself had customized.skyrim is the [censored], however as i progress through the campaign there is one thing which continues to bother me. the intrinsic characteristics of the aldmeri dominion. now when i first heard a group of elves say they were apart of the aldmeri dominion my initial reaction was "oh shiiiiiiiiiiii, the aldmer!" later reading into it i of course realized they were altmer BUT THATS NOT MY PROBLEM. stay with me. my problem with the aldmeri dominion besides the fact that they have such a strong inexplicable hatred for humans that they needed to INVADE the empire is that all the thalmor in skirm look fudging stupid. ok, i can understand that bethesda wanted to allow the player an opportunity to take revenge on the altmer for them causing the civil war and that perhaps the altmer may have feared the empire would latter attempt to invade their newly established independent dominion, but i have some serious issues with the ways that the altmer are portrayed. let me list them in the order from least irritating to most irritating.
1. the justicars are equipped like common foot soldiers. oK? THEIR ELVES! they don't have high birth rates or as many numbers as the humans. most of their numbers were wiped out in a huge battle! they'er hated by everyone in the province of skyrim! why are they wearing light weight armor and carry nothing else other than one one-handed weapon. i guess they're supposed to by so overconfident that they've completely overlooked the practicality of carrying good equipment. even at level 9 on expert, they're pretty lame.
2. their entire involvement in the main quest. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ok, so you sneak into their embassy because the lady thinks they have something to do with the return of dragons, so you convince everyone that your some super influential and powerful person (because you have nice clothes) and a wood elf helps you sneak around back find documents on what they know about the dragons returning. turns out they don't have the slightest f**king clue, but instead they want to find some old guy who lives in the sewers to tell them about the dragons. even though the whole thing ended after the old guy killed every one of the elves searching for him (because he's so incredibly bad-ass) nothing ever explained why they didn't just trespass on the high hrothgar and inquire the grey beards as to what they knew about dragons or something you know smart (provided they were actually concerned with the returning of dragons and such). the whole thing was just really corny and i'm surprised that bethesda would throw their elves short like that.
3. their policy about hating everyone. ok, so they're supposed to be bad. they're the bad guys. i can understand that. i could identify that the first time they threatened me. what i can't understand, however, is what the f**k their problem is. the load screens tell me that theirs looming animosity between the two races after the war ended. the journal about delphene says that they had a bunch of hit squads for killing off certain human as the great war began. sure the empire might have caused allot of trouble for them, but the elves are just going start being a bunch of bastards. its pretty lame for the great high elves.
any way. i thought the elves were really really cool and fun to fight until this game. now i think they're just fools. perhaps i just a fan of the older elder scrolls, and should stick to those. i hope thats understandable.
The Justiciars are decently equipped, and as Altmer are heavily reliant on magic. When one fought me, he immediately summoned something, got away while his two well-armored henchmen (at least equivalent armor to me, although not smithing-improved or maybe it was, who knows lol) went at me along with the summon. The Justiciar then flung massive amounts of spells at me, and those are a royal pain if you haven't ensured you have the appropriate magic resistance/can dodge spells well (armor is easier to acquire early on as opposed to magic resist). I found them fairly reasonable.
Also, you're the PC? You're supposed to be kind of special.
Lastly, there was something really cool plot-wise to be gained from that mission involving the embassy. Unless you found it irrelevant to your discussion, it seems to me like you missed it. It didn't pertain to the main plot, but rather one of the other more significant plots in the game. And it is juicy, indeed.
The Thalmor are a faction in the Aldmeri Dominion. At one point, the Dominion went silent for like 70 years, which may have implied a huge amount of internal strife/civil war. However, the Empire didn't have any intelligence to work with on why they sat still for as long as they did.
To explain their perspective, the Altmer (or many of them) have this perspective that their immortality/essence was robbed of them and they are trying to return to it. Part of that involves things like worshipping the Eight true Divines, and not Talos who was only a man and not worthy of deification. And as far as they are concerned, they view themselves as better than everyone else (many do, not saying all Altmer believe this).