» Tue May 17, 2011 1:41 pm
I just think FO3/NV were kinda ridiculous and over the top with gruesome kills. I have nothing against that, especially considering the kills among other things in FO were supposed to be like that, but some of those kill shots were... not really realistic. I don't think you'll be able to find a person in real life who has shot someone in the face/neck and had their head, as if close to cleanly decapitated, fly backwards. The heads bursting apart when shot is more likely, but considering I doubt Skyrim will have super-heated projectiles traveling at hundreds of meters/second, there's probably no place for that in Skyrim. I'm not against the gore, but for TES series, I'm for realistic gore. Say if you had a high strength and wielded a blade, I can see your finishing move being a decapitation. I just don't think it should be "heads flying."