Dispite all the crybabies...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:50 am

georgep001 ur hurt the groupie's feeling. Hez retarded and likes to troll this forum. hez lonely and desperate for crytek's attention
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Alister Scott
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:33 am

georgep001 ur hurt the groupie's feeling. Hez retarded and likes to troll this forum. hez lonely and desperate for crytek's attention

Lol true that lets just ignore the little child.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:17 am

gotta say i buyin that map pack if it was sale for 1 cent, im never gonna support that bs. Especially after they released a beta game as retail. Still has issues after so many patches. Dx11 is not here which was promised(personally i dont give a f..k i cant use it anyway), one third of the games lags like hell for 15-20 second spikes, games are way too short i can never play a map im choosing from search for more than 1-2 mins usually and it has 10 min LIMIT. Cheaters are still a problem, fortunately i rarely see those guys. Also stupid design flaws makes stealth preferred mode to engage in 1v1 combat (if enemy is in armor you have upper end, if he's in stealth shoot as soon as you see him dont bother with changing armor mode, he'll take double dmg from you until he fires back and prevent you take the same so he's in huge disadvantage). Snipers are quite useless unless you are excellent shot in that case you dont need them. Also i find there are a bit few weapons to choose from.

I think what crytek needs to do is to fix every problem game has and formally apologize for what they've done. Look at japanese companies. Those dudes apologize even when they have to announce the game is gonna be released longer than they anticipated.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:10 am

@emperorCleon & georgep001
LMAO there is nothing more pathetic that two cry babies admiring themselves on a game forum :X

Why do u continue to talk when no one gives a **** about your lame opinion plz shoo pest.

Because... better to have opinion than be like you ^^
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:41 pm

I only hope that people stand firm and don't buy that ****

Not only Crytek copied the gameplay of CoD MP but they also copied their scam-DLCs.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:19 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for making us a map pack.

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.

So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.

I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.

Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.

Cool story bro. You know what else is cool? Being able to PLAY the game without having to disable GPU's, rename exe's, etc... But hey. You've got your maps, right?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:52 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for making us a map pack.

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.

So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.

I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.

Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.
Are you aware that every single one of these "new" maps are taken right from the single player? Tell me how much time it will take to close off a few exists and add spawn locations? One day. Max. For one person.

Now, go focus on all the other bugs that plague this game that are still present and have been since before the game was even launched. (I'm looking at you multiplayer disconnect issues)

Lets also not talk about all the other graphical inconsistencies the game has that the level designers could be using their time to fix as well.

But hey, as long as you're enjoying it, that's all that matters. Forget the rest of us who have major problems that severely impacts our ability to even play the game.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:30 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for making us a map pack.

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.

So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.

I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.

Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.

Cool story bro. You know what else is cool? Being able to PLAY the game without having to disable GPU's, rename exe's, etc... But hey. You've got your maps, right?

Well I've had no problems with my copy of Crysis 2, GPU works fine, no renaming exe's... just the odd lag problem, but then again what games don't suffer from lag. Game plays great for me.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:20 am

...absolutely no reason to think you're entitled to anything. No apologies, no future support (even though you cry babies still get that). . . Some people even think they deserve their money back. News flash - software is sold "as is."

With future support you mean answering to silly little customer wishes like patches? To... I don′t know... make the game actually run on my PC? So customers can actually USE the bloody product they just bought?

Hell, if anyone ever gave me an excuse for pirating games... you just did! Thank you!

As I understand it now, software is not like any other product. If I buy a car, a DVD player, a computer or a watch and this product is flawed an refuses to work I have the legal right to go back to the seller and get the bloody thing fixed. You know, to make it work and to give me the good feeling that I not just got scammed.

But not software, no Sir! Because software is different. It is not only, unlike a car or a watch, immaterial - it is sold "as is"! It does not have to function or to be more than a pretty expensive mini frisbee (only if sold on DVD of yourse), because it is sold "as is"!

But it refuses to work! The picture is flickering so hard, even my blind cat got epileptic seizures!
Yes, it is flickerin, but it was sold "as is", son!!
But it made my PC explode and the explosion killed my hamster!
Sold "as is" my son, sold "as is"...
But the software uploaded itself to a predator drone, destroyed my house, killed a whole bunch of christian boyscouts and delared war to humanity!
Dammit, will you never get the meaning of "as is", stupid little customer?!?!?!

But in inversion of the argument I could say that, since software is subject to laws much different than traditional products, we can assume that the legal and moral ties are are less strong as well.
Thank you very much. Armed with your argument I might pirate the next Crytek product with good mood and light heard just as "it is".

Lol that cat part of your post made me laugh so hard :D
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:33 am

Well I've had no problems with my copy of Crysis 2, GPU works fine, no renaming exe's... just the odd lag problem, but then again what games don't suffer from lag. Game plays great for me.
That's super, I'm glad your experience with the game is fine. Meanwhile people still can't even connect to the multiplayer.
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Mel E
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:16 pm

I have to agree. I am not sure why everyone rips on the game so much.

Yes, the original Crysis broke a lot of ground when it first came out. The games graphics were the hot topic of the day. Though there is a lot more to the game than just it's graphics. It's not like Crysis 2 exactly looks bad by any means.

Yes, it was co-developed for console as well as PC. Yes I hate it when they do that as much as most PC gamers do. We all don't own the gaming systems we do to play at far inferior console levels. Yes most of us expected DX11 support.

For what we got at release though, it's still a good game. The graphics still look good, the story is still great, and the game play is still fun. Like everyone else, I still can't way to see the game in DX11, but I am not going to rip on them for not having it ready at release. I am still quite happy with the game and am glad I pre-ordered it.

Perhaps it's the fact I am an "older" gamer, but that's my opinion on it anyway.

Fine, so the graphics look good, but in my opinion the flaws equal the good things to say. Someone said that textures are blurry only if you hit a wall with your nose, but this is just not true. A lot of the rubble lying around looks like it is just ripped from a 5 year old game and the aliens look worse than those from the first games.
I don′t care about Dx11, but even the actual version looks not that good - and to claim that Crysis 2 is state of the art and looks better than any other current game is just ridiculous.

What I am also missing very much are physics. Crysis/Warhead had them, Crysis 2... does not. No chopping trees, in fact no dismantling of environment, nothing. I even discovered some decals on smaller plants which are bigger in diameter than the bloode tree itself.
And the oh so fantastic possibility to kick cars into enemies is just the next joke. You kick a car with a nice run-up and then it slides 4 meters and it not even get a dent.
I remember videos where a facade gets hit, comes down in pieces and destroys a car. None of this actually happens in the game.

But most important to me the game is not fun. I really mean that.
I am older too and I started my career as a gamer with the good old C64 - believe me, gameplay IS more important to me than shiny grafics.
I am still playing old games like "Turrican" on my Amiga 500 or "Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault" and "Painkiller" on PC and love every single second of it. Why? Because the design of those games is great, the gameplay is fun and they are good in what they are doing.

Crysis 2 on the other hand does a lot of things wrong without compensating for its flaws with some really nice plus points. And more than that it even comes with some flaws I would call absolute game killers. Replayability is very important to me and Crysis 2 makes me not want to play it again as long as no one forces me at gunpoint.

1) The level design. Tube after tube after tube. Uninteresting and barely challenging.
In fact I can beat the game in under 5 hours on Post Human. And I don′t even have a upgradet suit since I still can′t collect any nanos...

2) The incredibly annoying talking suit.

3) The way the game get interrupted in the first level with stupid freezes for stupid tutorial messages. I am playing on Post Human, don′t you think I know at least after the first run how to handle the controls? But nooo, you can′t turn that nonsense off. I already thought on the second run "Oh goood, now the game forces me to stop... and now theres the next freeze... come ooooooooooon..."
I hate it when games do something like this and Crysis 2 is a parade example how not to do it.

4) Cutscenes/scripted sequences which you can′t exit.
When I know that I am forced to spend another 5 minutes with that babbeling blockhead Gould or to watch your capture for the umtiest time than I more than anything else want to turn the game off instead of playing it.

No, grafics are not what makes Crysis 2 a fail. Its just everything else in the games design.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 pm

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alicia hillier
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:08 am

I bet the end of someone's nose is "really brown".....
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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:16 am

I have to agree. I am not sure why everyone rips on the game so much.

You're not sure? Perhaps it's because everyone else isn't you. You claim inherent wisdom with age, but this fact passes over your head.

Crytek played PC gamers for chumps and not just with a buggy, unprotected release. I won't bother parsing this statement for the backbenchers. It's all been said before.
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Gemma Flanagan
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:48 am

A paid DLC is the most stupidest thing you could do to improve a mp community.
And Crysis 2 has a very little community unlike CoD.
4 or 5 servers full at this moment, and half of it are official servers. Divide them between servers with/without DLC and you got it...

Congratulations Crytek for giving the final blow to this **** game.
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JD bernal
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:15 am


It's unbelievable they try to f*ck people who bought the game.
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Taylor Bakos
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:45 am

I just think if ever there was some people who bought the DLC's, and only them can play the maps.

Don't you think guys think it'll be like ghost town in there? Because I think Not much people are going to buy the dlc and if few people are playing dlc map it'll be like a treasure hunting map. Like 3 to 4 servers full with this maps or like only 5-6 players battling out inside this map pack.

I think they should give it out for free instead. When DX11 and bug free(or at least bugless gameplay) and better anti-cheat system comes out(hopefully). This game should rock.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:07 pm

http://www.gamesas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=13184&start=190, this is growing about as big as the cheats / multiplayer login issues. A sizeable amount of consumers are having this problem and WE the community ARE STILL going to great lengths to try to isolate and resolve the issue.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:10 pm

Why do people think they're entitled to anything more than what they bought? Crytek or any other developer for that matter has absolutely no obligation to touch the game at all after release. Patches are free. DLC may cost money but you don't have to buy it.

The point is, just because you didn't like the game gives you absolutely no reason to think you're entitled to anything. No apologies, no future support (even though you cry babies still get that). . . Some people even think they deserve their money back. News flash - software is sold "as is."

Actually they are obligated to atleast fix all the bugs in the game or they can be sued. I'm pretty sure there are numerous laws in at least the EU based countries that go along the lines of you have to provide a good product to your consumer or it's your ass.

Also paying $60 which is already $10 over the regular price of PC games ENTITLES me to want a bugfree piece of software. People like you who will buy games and than don't believe that the company should at least fix the software is the reason why companies like Activision exist. You are among the mindless sheep in the world that will do anything a corporation tells you to do and won't question them at all. Your a mindless drone.

Maybe not in the US because our laws svck ass, but at least in the EU everything you said is actually put into law for consumer rights. But go back to your mindless, drone like life where you allow anyone and their brother to step on your head and just say "please give me more." **** pathetic to say the least. People like you will bring about an age where consumers or hell human beings in general are complete slaves to anyone with a bit of money.

Consumer rights laws actually do allow consumers every single right you say we don't have. Why don't you do some **** research before you blindly follow the corporate elite.

BTW I said basically the same thing several times on purpose. So hopefully it would sink in to your brain.

No, I'm not a mindless drone. I'm just sick of people complaining for the sake of complaining. You misunderstood my entire post. I'm grateful for the game I got. It runs a lot better and has less bugs than other games I have. I'm sure the problems will be fixed in time. But the problem is, it seems to be the cool thing to do around here to complain just because the game isn't exclusive. "I don't like where that rock is! This game is consolized!! This game isn't Crysis 1 with better graphics! Blame the consoles!" It all just sounds so retarded. The attitude seems to be that people who play this game on PC think they're entitled to have their asses kissed just because Crysis 1 was exclusive.
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Angel Torres
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:01 am

Thanks to the OP.

I am happy that there IS new content coming. I really dug the last Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, but EA chose to release DLC console-exclusive. The feeling of being left out was really annoying as the game rocks when playing with my clan mates and the basic tracks and cars are boring by now. Crysis 2 brings new content? That is great news to me as I have no big complaints about the game as long as they keep the patches and anti-cheating-measures coming.

And I really second the points made that were made about "our plattform" and behavior. People on the consoles, at which we often tend to look down to, let's be honest here, they pay the price for the DLC and play the game. Period. And those plattforms deliver the money for the developers and publishers. They are being taken care of.

The PC community always demands new content to be free. The reason may be because that is the way it was in the 90's up till the consoles really took off. Or because "there are no mod tools". Or because of the (truly) buggy release. But the fact and obvious reality is: we are not that important anymore because we simply don't sell so much copies. Why should we get a special treatment? Why do people wonder that titles are more and more consolized? Sorry, but do the math. Next people always ask "Why is the PC left out? Why is this game not coming to the PC? Why don't we get new DLC?". Well here is your chance, buy the DLC to support your plattform and most importantly get new content IF you love the game; and IF NOT then simply don't. But this neverending discussion "It should be free. Dammnnnn, we deserve it" leads us nowhere. The PC doesn't deserve extra content par se because it was once a cool plattform in the 90's. And the constant whining, which almost always tends to drift off into cynical remarks instead of being constructive and mature doesn't help us as a plattform either.

I don't feel the need to discuss spending 9,99 $/€ for that map pack. I'll spend the same amount going to the movies for just the admission alone and I will probably spend more time on these for maps than just those 90 minutes in the cinema. I loved the game so far for what it is. Crysis2 may have it's shortcomings, but the developer at least tried to pack a huge amount of features into the game and mostly succeed. This title is probably what Call of Duty would like to be in terms of fast-paced action. And with the hope of ongoing updates to work out the flaws I like that there is more things for this title down the road.

But that is just my two cents.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:31 am

No, I'm not a mindless drone. I'm just sick of people complaining for the sake of complaining. You misunderstood my entire post. I'm grateful for the game I got. It runs a lot better and has less bugs than other games I have. I'm sure the problems will be fixed in time. But the problem is, it seems to be the cool thing to do around here to complain just because the game isn't exclusive. "I don't like where that rock is! This game is consolized!! This game isn't Crysis 1 with better graphics! Blame the consoles!" It all just sounds so retarded. The attitude seems to be that people who play this game on PC think they're entitled to have their asses kissed just because Crysis 1 was exclusive.
What game are you talking about, dude?
Because in Crysis 2 I even can't see the server pings!!
I'm not complaining because the game is consolized, I'm complaining because the game is unfinished.

Is a cheap and dirty move try to squeeze our wallets a bit more instead finishing the game.

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:47 am

Battlefield 3 will show you guys how it is supposed to be done.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:40 am

Battlefield 3 will show you guys how it is supposed to be done.

Yeah, at least DICE knows that is important to maintain a big and healthy multiplayer community instead of dividing them with crappy DLC's that make the game die even faster than already has.

It's easy.
1) You make Free DLCs and we play Crysis 2 and will buy Crysis 3.
2) You make Paid DLCs and we don't buy them, don't play Crysis 2 and OF COURSE won't buy Crysis 3.

Choose your business strategy, Crytek.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:56 am

I poop on this thread, I poop on it.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:05 am

me too! thanks the op says? I say hell no! I've never been so disgusted with a company... YIK
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