Dispite all the crybabies...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:57 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for making us a map pack.

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.

So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.

I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.

Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.

I agree with, thid totally!
P.S. the map pack costs 10.00$!
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Chantelle Walker
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:58 pm

I haven't really played Multi, I'm too into the Campaign. But I stand with you on this Blackers_uk, I've heard horrible things about multi, and I say it is bollox. Just all these people want to complain, and diss. What else could you possible want more from Crytek?! They use to only support PC, now they have it out for xbox, and PS. they also made a better looking game that is easier on your system, that is not cheep not to mention the 3D thing, and they are a break through in Graphics! How about one of you go play call of duty, and compare.
I'll admit I might be a tad dissapointed with some of the things that Crysis 2 dose with their multi, but hey, how much more memory can you cram pack into this game?!
I will always love Crysis, even if the guys over at Crytek spit on me, and told me I was an epic failure at life [which I know they woulden't], I'de still love them. Call me easy if you will, but this game, I've delt with my frustrating moments. My first Crysis maximum edition I bough keeps having a B.E.X problem, and an Appcrash problem to the point where I cannot even finish the campaign without a saving problem, and most of the things that Crysis 2 does makes me mad too. But I still love the game more than air.
and if you people want to complain about some crap with DX 11, then go play halo, maybe you will settle with their graphics. Stop claiming yourself as a TRUE fan of Crysis if all you do is hate, without even knowing the kind of stuff this game went through to be brought to you!
POWER TO THE TRUE CRYSIS FANS!!!! You know who you are!!!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:39 am

I haven't really played Multi, I'm too into the Campaign. But I stand with you on this Blackers_uk, I've heard horrible things about multi, and I say it is bollox. Just all these people want to complain, and diss. What else could you possible want more from Crytek?! They use to only support PC, now they have it out for xbox, and PS. they also made a better looking game that is easier on your system, that is not cheep not to mention the 3D thing, and they are a break through in Graphics! How about one of you go play call of duty, and compare.
I'll admit I might be a tad dissapointed with some of the things that Crysis 2 dose with their multi, but hey, how much more memory can you cram pack into this game?!
I will always love Crysis, even if the guys over at Crytek spit on me, and told me I was an epic failure at life [which I know they woulden't], I'de still love them. Call me easy if you will, but this game, I've delt with my frustrating moments. My first Crysis maximum edition I bough keeps having a B.E.X problem, and an Appcrash problem to the point where I cannot even finish the campaign without a saving problem, and most of the things that Crysis 2 does makes me mad too. But I still love the game more than air.
and if you people want to complain about some crap with DX 11, then go play halo, maybe you will settle with their graphics. Stop claiming yourself as a TRUE fan of Crysis if all you do is hate, without even knowing the kind of stuff this game went through to be brought to you!
POWER TO THE TRUE CRYSIS FANS!!!! You know who you are!!!

Agree! Complainig won't help you!
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:48 pm

10$ is not alot. I had, personally, hoped, though, that the DLC would be single player oriented at this point. Especially if there are a lot of people who have issues that are game based (not their own hardware/isp) in the MP part of the game. If all that was fixed then a map pack would definitely be fine, but since they aren't... Gimme some more SP naow!
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Everardo Montano
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:34 am

10$ is not alot. I had, personally, hoped, though, that the DLC would be single player oriented at this point. Especially if there are a lot of people who have issues that are game based (not their own hardware/isp) in the MP part of the game. If all that was fixed then a map pack would definitely be fine, but since they aren't... Gimme some more SP naow!

It's 14.2$ in Europe.
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Angus Poole
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:26 am

Yeah, the funny thing is... people, Crytek employees need to eat too you know. They are working for a living making all these whiny jerks an awesome game, and all the whiny jerks have to do is sit there and complain about something they are too lazy, and or pour to buy. Ten dollars people, if you really wanted the dang thing get off your buts, and go work for it, like the people at Crytek.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:32 am

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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:20 am

I think at least of those 'crybabies' would be happybabies today if we had support as we need. People can't play MP, can't login, can't join matches.
Of course it's great they're trying to bring some freshness, but they should take care of priorities first.
Now it simply look like they are trying to release DLC asap just to collect as much cash as they can before sh!t hits the fan.

I don't disapprove they want to earn cash, but let's just have a game we paid for first.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:21 pm

The game is broken in the state its in so obviously people are gonna cry we all paid our 60 dollars or 65 dollars we expect the issues to be fixed not have ea and crytek trying to milk us for more money. They should be fixing the game since were not getting the features we want but atleast fix the game first then try to make more money off us.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:42 am

I haven't really played Multi, I'm too into the Campaign. But I stand with you on this Blackers_uk, I've heard horrible things about multi, and I say it is bollox. Just all these people want to complain, and diss. What else could you possible want more from Crytek?! They use to only support PC, now they have it out for xbox, and PS. they also made a better looking game that is easier on your system, that is not cheep not to mention the 3D thing, and they are a break through in Graphics! How about one of you go play call of duty, and compare.
I'll admit I might be a tad dissapointed with some of the things that Crysis 2 dose with their multi, but hey, how much more memory can you cram pack into this game?!
I will always love Crysis, even if the guys over at Crytek spit on me, and told me I was an epic failure at life [which I know they woulden't], I'de still love them. Call me easy if you will, but this game, I've delt with my frustrating moments. My first Crysis maximum edition I bough keeps having a B.E.X problem, and an Appcrash problem to the point where I cannot even finish the campaign without a saving problem, and most of the things that Crysis 2 does makes me mad too. But I still love the game more than air.
and if you people want to complain about some crap with DX 11, then go play halo, maybe you will settle with their graphics. Stop claiming yourself as a TRUE fan of Crysis if all you do is hate, without even knowing the kind of stuff this game went through to be brought to you!
POWER TO THE TRUE CRYSIS FANS!!!! You know who you are!!!

Wow, nice to know I'm not alone on this :)
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Katy Hogben
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:12 pm

This is probably the most ignorant thread ive seen you guys are either stupid or just gullable to believe what u say and support crytek so openly your biching cause the community is voicing there unhappiness about crysis 2 and u think not saying anything is better lol go pick up a history book and read how alot of things in history was made cause of people protesting and voicing there unhappiness.
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rebecca moody
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:41 pm

The game is broken in the state its in so obviously people are gonna cry we all paid our 60 dollars or 65 dollars we expect the issues to be fixed not have ea and crytek trying to milk us for more money. They should be fixing the game since were not getting the features we want but atleast fix the game first then try to make more money off us.

Jesus dude get a life... there is no game on this **** world which is working flawlessly using so advanced technologies or going through new path of development.
Dirt2 is not working flawlessly on my PC... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
AvP DX11 is not working for me... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
and so on and so on....

You know why i don't behave like you? Because i am not a **** child which is not able to make reasonable decision is his life, and live with it like an advlt person.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:56 am

The game is broken in the state its in so obviously people are gonna cry we all paid our 60 dollars or 65 dollars we expect the issues to be fixed not have ea and crytek trying to milk us for more money. They should be fixing the game since were not getting the features we want but atleast fix the game first then try to make more money off us.

Jesus dude get a life... there is no game on this **** world which is working flawlessly using so advanced technologies or going through new path of development.
Dirt2 is not working flawlessly on my PC... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
AvP DX11 is not working for me... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
and so on and so on....

You know why i don't behave like you? Because i am not a **** child which is not able to make reasonable decision is his life, and live with it like an advlt person.

Nerd rage somemore man its funny to see little kids nerd raging on forums real mature haha.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:07 am

Nerd rage somemore man its funny to see little kids nerd raging on forums real mature haha.

Really mature is to see you trying to behave like a mature person while calling other a "kid" over a game forum while not having even a slightest clue about other people age.
Yeah, you nailed it mate :X
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:02 am

It's sad to see how all the rage-threats are being deleted and this one it's still up.
Nice job, mods.
Don't let see the occasional visitors of the forum how pissed we are.

Game industry makes me feel sick.
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Camden Unglesbee
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:10 pm

Jesus dude get a life... there is no game on this **** world which is working flawlessly using so advanced technologies or going through new path of development.

The same could easily be said for you. So, since the company you love more than anything produces a buggy, hyper-propagandized and unprotected game and the whole "world" must be at fault? If anyone here needs a a life it's you, Mr. Giggles. Advanced technologies? Where? This is DX9 beaten to death but sold as the next BIG thing. How could anyone, accept you, think that code designed to run on a 5-year old console could even approach "bleeding edge" tech.

AvP DX11 is not working for me... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
and so on and so on....

Oops, you're crying about it RIGHT NOW, sir. How about some reverse logic: AvP DX11 runs on my box just fine, so you don't have a right to say anything because I say so. See how that works?

You know why i don't behave like you? Because i am not a **** child which is not able to make reasonable decision is his life, and live with it like an advlt person.

Let's be clear about this, on the planet YOU come from you're knowingly sold a defective product and you respond by screaming into your pillow, and jumping nasty at folks who don't take a screwing as well as you? That's not advlt behavior, that's living your life like a doormat.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:00 am

The game is broken in the state its in so obviously people are gonna cry we all paid our 60 dollars or 65 dollars we expect the issues to be fixed not have ea and crytek trying to milk us for more money. They should be fixing the game since were not getting the features we want but atleast fix the game first then try to make more money off us.

Jesus dude get a life... there is no game on this **** world which is working flawlessly using so advanced technologies or going through new path of development.
Dirt2 is not working flawlessly on my PC... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
AvP DX11 is not working for me... i did paid money for this game and do i cry over that fact? NO.
and so on and so on....

You know why i don't behave like you? Because i am not a **** child which is not able to make reasonable decision is his life, and live with it like an advlt person.

Honestly, You are an idiot. I understood your posts up until this point, and understood your point of view for the most part. I myself did not like the game, and feel ripped off but that's not why I'm posting. If you get a bad product, you return it. Otherwise its just like handing out free money to developers/publishers who blindly accept that we bought the game and we enjoy it, when this is not the case. Since this is software we cannot return it(or at least in the US) so they do not get accurate information that we hate their product. What other way is there but to give them feedback on their forums. Some take it more harshly than other, which they have their own reason. They need to do better customer support if they are goin to go anywhere in the future, and that goes for any company.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:21 am

Jesus dude get a life... there is no game on this **** world which is working flawlessly using so advanced technologies or going through new path of development.

The same could easily be said for you. So, since the company you love more than anything produces a buggy, hyper-propagandized and unprotected game and the whole "world" must be at fault? If anyone here needs a a life it's you, Mr. Giggles. Advanced technologies? Where? This is DX9 beaten to death but sold as the next BIG thing. How could anyone, accept you, think that code designed to run on a 5-year old console could even approach "bleeding edge" tech.

If Dx9 is only technology which you see in this game or trying to use as an argument then i can't even take you as serious person in discussion about his game. Sorry dude but you just f... fail at trying make a point.

Honestly, You are an idiot. I understood your posts up until this point, and understood your point of view for the most part. I myself did not like the game, and feel ripped off but that's not why I'm posting. If you get a bad product, you return it. Otherwise its just like handing out free money to developers/publishers who blindly accept that we bought the game and we enjoy it, when this is not the case. Since this is software we cannot return it(or at least in the US) so they do not get accurate information that we hate their product. What other way is there but to give them feedback on their forums. Some take it more harshly than other, which they have their own reason. They need to do better customer support if they are goin to go anywhere in the future, and that goes for any company.

Yeah in most cases you can't get money back if you buy game, but you can think before you spend those money. If you buy something which you didn't buy earlier do you read labels? Yes, you do. Do you ask people who actually bough "that" product what they think about it? Yes, you do. And same thing is with games, those who have some brain and really believe that their money are important, will wait even a day just to be sure what they buy.
My point is that no matter which customer you are smart or not, there is no justification for trolling over whole forum with messages which doesn't have any substantial value regarding discussed subject. Basically there is difference in posting constructive criticism and deliberate troll, where first thing is acceptable by anyone, and second is just plain stupidity lacking any common sense. Posting in any possible thread where someone says that he like game, messages like "this game is broken, whats the point of supporting company" is just plain stupidity, which is not helping anyone, is not even a fact and just bring harm to threads of person whos tarted thread.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:21 pm

Yeah, the funny thing is... people, Crytek employees need to eat too you know. They are working for a living making all these whiny jerks an awesome game, and all the whiny jerks have to do is sit there and complain about something they are too lazy, and or pour to buy. Ten dollars people, if you really wanted the dang thing get off your buts, and go work for it, like the people at Crytek.
Oh look, some one who doesn't value their own money and/or time.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:48 am

If Dx9 is only technology which you see in this game or trying to use as an argument then i can't even take you as serious person in discussion about his game. Sorry dude but you just f... fail at trying make a point.

What an embarrassment you are with a lame tactic like this, "dude." Stuff like this got me in your butt in the first place, remember? It sure isn't AI, because C2 is less than average in that department. How about netcode? Nope, C2 falls flat on its face there too. Have you even played online? A game driven by leveling that FORGETS YOUR UNLOCKS? What about play dynamics? Warhead is better, and how long ago was that? DX9 implementation is good, but the API is still 8-years old and aging rapidly. Where's that "cutting edge experience" that Cevat promised? Come on genius, don't leave us hanging. Show me some of that advanced game knowledge you don't have.

Yeah in most cases you can't get money back if you buy game, but you can think before you spend those money. If you buy something which you didn't buy earlier do you read labels? Yes, you do. Do you ask people who actually bough "that" product what they think about it? Yes, you do. And same thing is with games, those who have some brain and really believe that their money are important, will wait even a day just to be sure what they buy.

Waiting won't be an issue with Crytek games, or Crytek engine games for me. I won't be buying any from this point. Your God-company had a decent reputation, something that isn't easy to acquire. They blew it with wild promises and bald-faced lies about what C2 was about, or did you notice? Again, do you even HAVE this game? Now, let's touch on the self-aggrandizing nature of your posture. Let's say that all you bleat above is true. What the hell business of yours is it that I'm disappointed with my purchase, regardless of how I decided to make it? I'll b1tch when I want, where I want and for long as I want, and there's nothing you can do about it. Capice?

My point is that no matter which customer you are smart or not, there is no justification for trolling over whole forum with messages which doesn't have any substantial value regarding discussed subject.

Who elected YOU forum mother, keeper of the Holy Perspective?

Basically there is difference in posting constructive criticism and deliberate troll, where first thing is acceptable by anyone, and second is just plain stupidity lacking any common sense.

What a coward you are. I'd be willing to bet money that you don't behave this way in person. You wouldn't have any friends, or teeth.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:13 pm

I would rather and would not mind to pay more for expansion pack with new single player campaign and maps..
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:23 pm

If Dx9 is only technology which you see in this game or trying to use as an argument then i can't even take you as serious person in discussion about his game. Sorry dude but you just f... fail at trying make a point.

What an embarrassment you are with a lame tactic like this, "dude." Stuff like this got me in your butt in the first place, remember? It sure isn't AI, because C2 is less than average in that department. How about netcode? Nope, C2 falls flat on its face there too. Have you even played online? A game driven by leveling that FORGETS YOUR UNLOCKS? What about play dynamics? Warhead is better, and how long ago was that? DX9 implementation is good, but the API is still 8-years old and aging rapidly. Where's that "cutting edge experience" that Cevat promised? Come on genius, don't leave us hanging. Show me some of that advanced game knowledge you don't have.

You are embarrassing yourself while trying to argue about things which you don't even understand, and i don't believe that you will, but for sure you gonna try to make sense out of your stubborn logic.
Good start for you will be to read how many actual technologies was used in creating even already old Crysis 1, how many of them was revolutionizing gaming world, game it is not AI or net code, it is collection of many various technologies like tech. responsible for objects in game, the way how they break, how they interact with other object, there is also many technologies responsible only for the way how graphic is displayed and rendered on your screen, or technologies which are responsible for sound in various environments, and so on and so on...

John Cormack said once:
A modern video game is much more sophisticated than an orbital rocket.

You are seriously narrow minded regarding way how games are created and how hard is to make something work having tons of technologies in use, but somehow you are trying argue thinking that you know everything. Guess ignorance is a bliss.

As for "Where's that "cutting edge experience" that Cevat promised?", what is actually "cutting edge experience", i did enjoy game same as bunch of other people, and if you didn't enjoy game it automatically means that game is not delivering "good" experience? You are going over your head here, get down on earth before you ignorance shoot your ass into other galactic.

They blew it with wild promises and bald-faced lies about what C2 was about, or did you notice? Again, do you even HAVE this game? I'll b1tch when I want, where I want and for long as I want, and there's nothing you can do about it. Capice?

Once again this is your own opinion not an actual fact which is reflected by whats going on with game/company. Game was bough by +/- 2mil people, and how many of them actually complain, one thousand, maybe even less. Did Crytek ruin their company by releasing this game? NO. Did game receive bad review? NO. Most of them was 8-9/10, so there is no indication that Crysis 2 and Crytek fail at anything. For sure they could do some things better, no doubts about it, but they didn't blew anything.
Ofc that you can whine about products which you buy without thinking, but that makes you just an ass and moron regarding managing your precious money :X

I am not gonna even quote your other responds since they don't have anything to do with matter of discussion or are completely abstractive to what i was saying about.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:28 am

dude just ignore cryfap
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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:15 am

Once again this is your own opinion not an actual fact which is reflected by whats going on with game/company. Game was bough by +/- 2mil people, and how many of them actually complain, one thousand, maybe even less. Did Crytek ruin their company by releasing this game? NO. Did game receive bad review? NO. Most of them was 8-9/10, so there is no indication that Crysis 2 and Crytek fail at anything. For sure they could do some things better, no doubts about it, but they didn't blew anything.
Ofc that you can whine about products which you buy without thinking, but that makes you just an ass and moron regarding managing your precious money :X

I am not sure that Crytek ruined their co in a general sense... In the eyes of most PC enthusiasts, they certainly did. I for sure am certain that in now way even think about pre-order of any game in the future. If Crytek dared to pull a stunt like promising all these next-gen, never-before-seen physics, AI and graphics (watch the Cryengine 3 tech demo for Crysis 2) then deliver a product missing pretty much all the above features (scripted destruction, dumb AI, dumbed down suite and movement controls, low-res textures, and corridor-shooter level designs), what can you expect for other developer groups. They for sure lost almost all sales from my friends and family on this game. We all cancelled our pre-orders after spending like 5 minutes with the attrocious demo. We all have copies of the original Crysis, Warhead and Far Cry.

I for one would have accepted it if Cevat would have stated early on that Crysis 2 is not going to be a sequel to the original Crysis, and the game will be 100% targeted to users with low-end systems. I would have been sad, but accept their business decision to go for the easy to please, short attention span audience. I have yet to meet a sane person who likes being lied to their face, not to mention PC enthusiasts who spend time and money tinkering with cutting edge hardware and always looking for the next game that will blow everything away. Crysis 2 was talked up to that, and delivered nothing...
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:15 am

Once again this is your own opinion not an actual fact which is reflected by whats going on with game/company. Game was bough by +/- 2mil people, and how many of them actually complain, one thousand, maybe even less. Did Crytek ruin their company by releasing this game? NO. Did game receive bad review? NO. Most of them was 8-9/10, so there is no indication that Crysis 2 and Crytek fail at anything. For sure they could do some things better, no doubts about it, but they didn't blew anything.
Ofc that you can whine about products which you buy without thinking, but that makes you just an ass and moron regarding managing your precious money :X

I am not sure that Crytek ruined their co in a general sense... In the eyes of most PC enthusiasts, they certainly did. I for sure am certain that in now way even think about pre-order of any game in the future. If Crytek dared to pull a stunt like promising all these next-gen, never-before-seen physics, AI and graphics (watch the Cryengine 3 tech demo for Crysis 2) then deliver a product missing pretty much all the above features (scripted destruction, dumb AI, dumbed down suite and movement controls, low-res textures, and corridor-shooter level designs), what can you expect for other developer groups. They for sure lost almost all sales from my friends and family on this game. We all cancelled our pre-orders after spending like 5 minutes with the attrocious demo. We all have copies of the original Crysis, Warhead and Far Cry.

I for one would have accepted it if Cevat would have stated early on that Crysis 2 is not going to be a sequel to the original Crysis, and the game will be 100% targeted to users with low-end systems. I would have been sad, but accept their business decision to go for the easy to please, short attention span audience. I have yet to meet a sane person who likes being lied to their face, not to mention PC enthusiasts who spend time and money tinkering with cutting edge hardware and always looking for the next game that will blow everything away. Crysis 2 was talked up to that, and delivered nothing...

I does seem like they failed to tell their customers certain things about the game before hand. They did talk up alot of hype considering this was Crysis. Also customers trusted the company to go a certain way with the game, which they did not and did not give an explanation until after the game was release and all the core players pre-ordered and bought the game. They didn't lie, they just didn't give out the whole truth.
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