Hiding the truth is lie.
"A lie is a type of deception in the form of an untruthful statement, especially with the intention to deceive others."
Now tell me about what they lie?
"Game developed first for PC"
Game was developed in same time for all three platforms, so there is no lie because they didn't developed game for console and for example month later recoded engine (aka port) game to PC.
And Crysis 2 will be have DX11, they never said that Crysis 2 will be have DX11 in day of release,
they only said that C2 will be have DX11 without specifying when... Simple logic and rhetoric, widely used in advertising business. This is main reason why most people didn't understand what they are getting in the day of release, and now cry over their precious money.
And all the awesome physics and effects that they promised in the teaser videos.
Whats wrong with physics? If for example Crysis 1 have realistic physics, then Crysis 2 can't have "more realistic" physics that this existing in real world. And what effects? Seriously you are complaining who knows about what =.="
And now we'll see the free SDK and modtools, because I'm sure that there is some hidden there too.
?Let the community make his own maps when you are selling map packs? No way, something smells there.
Good luck in finding your "hole in wall".