Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.
So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.
I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.
Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.