Dispite all the crybabies...

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:57 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like to thank you Crytek for making us a map pack.

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.

So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.

I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.

Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:10 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for giving us a map pack.

what makes you think they are going to give it away for free? I think it will be a separate purchase DLC
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Emma Louise Adams
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:05 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for giving us a map pack.

what makes you think they are going to give it away for free? I think it will be a separate purchase DLC

Well I used the term give very lightly, well giving us the option to get more maps... but TBH, i can't see how they could really sell a map pack to the PC games. just look at BFBC2 for the PC, all the maps were free for the PC gamers, and that was EA, so... we could get them for free,

I'll edit what i said.
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A Boy called Marilyn
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:31 am

Free or not, OP point is that we get new maps, and that a good thing.

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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:56 pm

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for giving us a map pack.

what makes you think they are going to give it away for free? I think it will be a separate purchase DLC

Well I used the term give very lightly, well giving us the option to get more maps... but TBH, i can't see how they could really sell a map pack to the PC games. just look at BFBC2 for the PC, all the maps were free for the PC gamers, and that was EA, so... we could get them for free,

I'll edit what i said.

Its funny to see people like this that praise ea and crytek cause they have no knowledge of how **** there game is and its good see people like this that just turn a blind eye to ea and crytek when they promised us a bunch of things like dx 11 as advertised on nvidias site wich in tern made invidia look bad also cause they lied to them but ya man its good too see u really care about crytek and ea im happy for u when the community is dead and gone least you'll have yourself.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:09 pm

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for giving us a map pack.

what makes you think they are going to give it away for free? I think it will be a separate purchase DLC

Well I used the term give very lightly, well giving us the option to get more maps... but TBH, i can't see how they could really sell a map pack to the PC games. just look at BFBC2 for the PC, all the maps were free for the PC gamers, and that was EA, so... we could get them for free,

I'll edit what i said.
CrEAtek became greedy
so i will be surprised if DLC will be free
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:58 am

lol well i say this game is pretty good... gameplay is enough addicting to keep me playing for 2 hours a day and thats enough for me... i dont know this game? well im 1200 ranked so i pretty much know this game.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:13 am

well im 1200 ranked so i pretty much know this game.

So at least 1200 people are still playing this game online? More than expected...
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:03 pm

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days.

The most common line to replace the actual missing arguments.
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Devin Sluis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:15 am

Dispite all the crybabies who do nothing but bich on this forum, I would like the thank you Crytek for making us a map pack.

Some people seem to asume that DX11 is the only reason to play a game these days. I on the other hand enjoy most games for the gameplay, but will greaful for the DX11 patch for Crysis 2 once it comes out, it is something to look forward too.

So alot of people are trashing the idea of giving Crysis 2 a map pack, due to there being quite a few bugs in the game that need fixing. And yes, I'll agree that there are some fixes that are very important and do need 'fixing' but I am actually aware that in games devolopement, the devolper teams are set to other tasks, like you have your teams doing the fixes/patches, other teams working on the DX11 patch, and also the team who are giving us the map packs. so I know that this map pack has nothing to do with bad priority or anything of the likes. it's just a case of what gets done first. I know you have teams working on these fixes, I don't doubt it.

I am thankful for these developers even bothing with trying to please this very bichy audiance. because I am really enjoying Crysis 2 and I really can't wait to try out the new maps.

Hopfully I don't stand alone by saying all this.

Welp, you dont stand alone there Shmit, Call of Corridor has many fans.
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:20 am

When was the last time you actually played Crysis 2 lol?
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Astargoth Rockin' Design
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 11:05 pm

The point you idiots don't understand is if this map pack isn't free it's going to segregate the community. Rebellion with AVP3 did the same ****. When you preordered you got access to extra maps which rebellion said they were gonna release for free as DLC to non preorder customers. They than **** us and charged for it. Now there's another map pack for it as well IIRC. This in turn destroyed the community because AVP3 was already buggy as hell, and the dedicated server files were in beta at launch when they were supposed to be finished like promised.

The good thing is though, soon we will have an SDK so we can always hold off on the DLC map pack and create our own maps when the SDK comes out. Plus we will have full mod support.

This could very well kill the community if Crytek don't sort their **** out.

While some of you idiots believe this is a good thing. Paid map packs are never a good thing on PC because like I said it segregates the community because some will buy it and some won't. Couple that with the fact that the game is nowhere near fixed and you have a potential community destroyer.

Also they did say the map pack was coming to all platforms and just listed the PS3 and 360 prices. But they did this because they wanted to tell 360 folks how much MS points they needed. For PC folks we go by the PS3 price tag because it's already in dollar amount.

@Crytek please don't ruin this community by making us pay for map packs until sandbox comes out! Just give us free map packs or don't release them at all.
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:59 am

BTW they are charging for the PC version. So again this will only segregate the community.

"The Crysis 2 Retaliation Pack arrives on Tuesday, May 17 in the US (May 18 in the EU) at $9.99 (or 800 Microsoft Points) for all platforms"

All platforms.

Source : http://www.ea.com/crysis-2/blog/retaliation
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jess hughes
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:11 am

Why do people think they're entitled to anything more than what they bought? Crytek or any other developer for that matter has absolutely no obligation to touch the game at all after release. Patches are free. DLC may cost money but you don't have to buy it.

The point is, just because you didn't like the game gives you absolutely no reason to think you're entitled to anything. No apologies, no future support (even though you cry babies still get that). . . Some people even think they deserve their money back. News flash - software is sold "as is."
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lauren cleaves
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:10 am

Why do people think they're entitled to anything more than what they bought? Crytek or any other developer for that matter has absolutely no obligation to touch the game at all after release. Patches are free. DLC may cost money but you don't have to buy it.

The point is, just because you didn't like the game gives you absolutely no reason to think you're entitled to anything. No apologies, no future support (even though you cry babies still get that). . . Some people even think they deserve their money back. News flash - software is sold "as is."

Actually they are obligated to atleast fix all the bugs in the game or they can be sued. I'm pretty sure there are numerous laws in at least the EU based countries that go along the lines of you have to provide a good product to your consumer or it's your ass.

Also paying $60 which is already $10 over the regular price of PC games ENTITLES me to want a bugfree piece of software. People like you who will buy games and than don't believe that the company should at least fix the software is the reason why companies like Activision exist. You are among the mindless sheep in the world that will do anything a corporation tells you to do and won't question them at all. Your a mindless drone.

Maybe not in the US because our laws svck ass, but at least in the EU everything you said is actually put into law for consumer rights. But go back to your mindless, drone like life where you allow anyone and their brother to step on your head and just say "please give me more." **** pathetic to say the least. People like you will bring about an age where consumers or hell human beings in general are complete slaves to anyone with a bit of money.

Consumer rights laws actually do allow consumers every single right you say we don't have. Why don't you do some **** research before you blindly follow the corporate elite.

BTW I said basically the same thing several times on purpose. So hopefully it would sink in to your brain.
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:45 pm

...absolutely no reason to think you're entitled to anything. No apologies, no future support (even though you cry babies still get that). . . Some people even think they deserve their money back. News flash - software is sold "as is."

With future support you mean answering to silly little customer wishes like patches? To... I don′t know... make the game actually run on my PC? So customers can actually USE the bloody product they just bought?

Hell, if anyone ever gave me an excuse for pirating games... you just did! Thank you!

As I understand it now, software is not like any other product. If I buy a car, a DVD player, a computer or a watch and this product is flawed an refuses to work I have the legal right to go back to the seller and get the bloody thing fixed. You know, to make it work and to give me the good feeling that I not just got scammed.

But not software, no Sir! Because software is different. It is not only, unlike a car or a watch, immaterial - it is sold "as is"! It does not have to function or to be more than a pretty expensive mini frisbee (only if sold on DVD of yourse), because it is sold "as is"!

But it refuses to work! The picture is flickering so hard, even my blind cat got epileptic seizures!
Yes, it is flickerin, but it was sold "as is", son!!
But it made my PC explode and the explosion killed my hamster!
Sold "as is" my son, sold "as is"...
But the software uploaded itself to a predator drone, destroyed my house, killed a whole bunch of christian boyscouts and delared war to humanity!
Dammit, will you never get the meaning of "as is", stupid little customer?!?!?!

But in inversion of the argument I could say that, since software is subject to laws much different than traditional products, we can assume that the legal and moral ties are are less strong as well.
Thank you very much. Armed with your argument I might pirate the next Crytek product with good mood and light heard just as "it is".
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:23 am

well im 1200 ranked so i pretty much know this game.

So at least 1200 people are still playing this game online? More than expected...

Actaully first 1100 are pirates and hackers
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 11:55 am

well im 1200 ranked so i pretty much know this game.

So at least 1200 people are still playing this game online? More than expected...

Actaully first 1100 are pirates and hackers

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Chloe Lou
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:29 am

I have to agree. I am not sure why everyone rips on the game so much.

Yes, the original Crysis broke a lot of ground when it first came out. The games graphics were the hot topic of the day. Though there is a lot more to the game than just it's graphics. It's not like Crysis 2 exactly looks bad by any means.

Yes, it was co-developed for console as well as PC. Yes I hate it when they do that as much as most PC gamers do. We all don't own the gaming systems we do to play at far inferior console levels. Yes most of us expected DX11 support.

For what we got at release though, it's still a good game. The graphics still look good, the story is still great, and the game play is still fun. Like everyone else, I still can't way to see the game in DX11, but I am not going to rip on them for not having it ready at release. I am still quite happy with the game and am glad I pre-ordered it.

Perhaps it's the fact I am an "older" gamer, but that's my opinion on it anyway.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:13 am

well is I pay extra 10 bucks, I demand the extra quality/value from the title...and maybe ur a noob to think this pos has good graphics. Bloom =/= good graphics, get it???

And graphics directly proportional to immersion, which is directly proportional to enjoyment.

SO yes, graphics is important part of game. If you dont like graphics, go play minecraft and pac man.
If they charge AAA price, I expect AAA quality.

Although, what can be expect from console devs like crytek who are making a kinect gow rip-off from xbox. Its a new low
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 am

well is I pay extra 10 bucks, I demand the extra quality/value from the title...and maybe ur a noob to think this pos has good graphics. Bloom =/= good graphics, get it???

First of all bloom isn't "creating" graphic in C2, and second graphic in C2 is actually better than in any FPS now available, and visually surpass most of technologies used in Crysis 1 and thats a fact. Also it is a fact that game have low res textures, but how it matter in overall visual experience since you won't notice difference unless your head "hit wall" in game? Sure if you are whiner who want to find "hole in wall" it will matter. But for "normal" player which play game to enjoy story, shooting, blowing stuff up, etc low res textures won't matter to much because generally environment in C2 look fantastic, and he is not playing game to find "hole in the wall" to have reason for raging over game forum, but to enjoy overall experience which give this game.

I am not saying that paying 10$ for 4 maps is OK, but if i need to choose to spend 10$ for example on fast food or those maps, i would go for map's in game. It is matter of personal choice, if you feel that you don't need those map's then don't buy them, simple as that, no one is forcing you to buy those maps. On another hand game is perfectly playable without those maps, and since SDK will be released soon this game will get bunch of free maps and mods, so there is no reason to actually buy those maps.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:49 am

sure dude what ever makes u happy, no point arguing with a troll fangirl
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 6:17 am

Id defently go for the fast food why support a company thats done nothing but lie from the start.
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remi lasisi
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:51 am

If you are not able to argue using reasonable arguments, why do you even engage in discussion? Oh wait i know why, because crytek/ea is bad and you need to cry over it in any of your posts. You logic doesn't make to much sense, and using overrated slogans like "no point arguing with a troll" where your post is actually a 100% troll makes you just as dumb as your posts which generally doesn't contain any substantial value regarding discussed matter.

Why posting on this forum, since company/game sux? Does your actions always lack sense? :X
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Jason White
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:19 pm

If you are not able to argue using reasonable arguments, why do you even engage in discussion? Oh wait i know why, because crytek/ea is bad and you need to cry over it in any of your posts. You logic doesn't make to much sense, and using overrated slogans like "no point arguing with a troll" where your post is actually a 100% troll makes you just as dumb as your posts which generally doesn't contain any substantial value regarding discussed matter.

Why posting on this forum, since company/game sux? Does your actions always lack sense? :X\

Why do u continue to talk when no one gives a **** about your lame opinion plz shoo pest.
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