So, I'm trying to set up a script or quest or however it would be done, to display a message on the top-left of the screen when an effect ends. Basically I'm modding food to fortify health/stamina instead of the tiny healing effect it has now, and I want to display a simple little message letting the player know when the effect has run out. "Your stomach growls," or something to that effect.
So, simply put, how would I go about this? I've figured out how to create the message, and I'm considering how I might set up a quest that begins when the player obtains any foodFortifyHealth or foodFortifyStamina effect, and ends (and displays the message) when the effects are ended, and no other such effects are still ongoing.
But, since I'm still super new at Creation Kit and not really sure how to do more than edit item statistics and put in a few objects in the world, I'm not sure how I'd go about scripting that. Is what I'm trying to do even possible?