
Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:58 am

I lOVED THIS GAMEPLAY and if u missed it and don't feel like buffering videos. go ON DEMAND to the cutting edge G4TV and gameplay previews it is awsome. anyway i was somewhat dissapointed with a lot of things. the first one is of course the camera angle. in TES it has always been directly behind u. in FO it is to the right. now they are making the same for skyrim i don't think thats a good idea. TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever. I also was mad that there was no dismemberment. while the blood effects are good i think they should at LEAST put slashed and holes where we stab and cut. I like gore there really should have been WAY more detal with it like in L4D2. The last point id like to point out is the finishers are AUTO (or so i hear) that is a real bummer but not as bad as the lack of Gore. ok so some of u are not getting my point. we should upgrade SCROLLS like with dismemberment. what im saying is that the camera angles and some other things from FALLOUT are going into ESV. "Auto finishing moves- oh like the VATS kill cam from FO". is what someone said this makes me mad. NO NOT LIKE THE KILL CAM and its not a VATS kill cam it can be done outside vats. THE FINISHING MOVES IN SKYRIM ARE AUTO AND I HATED THAT.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:23 am

Fallout and TES should be seperate, yet you want gore and dismemberment? :huh:

I never did get the whole "TES should have NO inspiration" attitude. If it's good, and it fits, why not borrow an idea from someone?
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:56 am

I lOVED THIS GAMEPLAY and if u missed it and don't feel like buffering videos. go ON DEMAND to the cutting edge G4TV and gameplay previews it is awsome. anyway i was somewhat dissapointed with a lot of things. the first one is of course the camera angle. in TES it has always been directly behind u. in FO it is to the right. now they are making the same for skyrim i don't think thats a good idea. TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever. I also was mad that there was no dismemberment. while the blood effects are good i think they should at LEAST put slashed and holes where we stab and cut. I like gore there really should have been WAY more detal with it like in L4D2. The last point id like to point out is the finishers are AUTO (or so i hear) that is a real bummer but not as bad as the lack of Gore.

I understand where you are coming from but I feel you focus too much on details.
What is important is the meat, not the sauce, if you will.
If the game provides countless hours of fun and challenge it shouldnt really matter if the graphics are not all you would have hoped for. What is important is that the gameplay is good.
I am sure that the modding community can do a lot of tweaking and fine tuning after the game is out, so that there will be something for everyone.
The focus should be that the 'skeleton' they get to work with is as good as possible. And thats not graphics ot gore, that can come later.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:53 am

I understand where you are coming from but I feel you focus too much on details.
What is important is the meat, not the sauce, if you will.
If the game provides countless hours of fun and challenge it shouldnt really matter if the graphics are not all you would have hoped for. What is important is that the gameplay is good.
I am sure that the modding community can do a lot of tweaking and fine tuning after the game is out, so that there will be something for everyone.
The focus should be that the 'skeleton' they get to work with is as good as possible. And thats not graphics ot gore, that can come later.

yea i do focus on graphics and i know that gameplay is epic but i still think we need to have some graphic detal to make the game top notch "realistic"
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:27 pm

Dude the most epic cascade failure that i know will be in this game is EVEN LESS armor slots, and you probably can do cloths over/under armor...

less than morrowind=not enough customization
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gemma king
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:09 am

I lOVED THIS GAMEPLAY and if u missed it and don't feel like buffering videos. go ON DEMAND to the cutting edge G4TV and gameplay previews it is awsome. anyway i was somewhat dissapointed with a lot of things. the first one is of course the camera angle. in TES it has always been directly behind u. in FO it is to the right. now they are making the same for skyrim i don't think thats a good idea. TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever.

Oblivion's third person view was absolutely horrible. You could not fight in it properly; I don't see the issue here..

I also was mad that there was no dismemberment. while the blood effects are good i think they should at LEAST put slashed and holes where we stab and cut. I like gore there really should have been WAY more detal with it like in L4D2.

That's asking a bit much I think. While I agree it would be awesome if we did actually get signs of tissue damage on our enemies; it's just not a feature that is important for this type of game.

The last point id like to point out is the finishers are AUTO (or so i hear) that is a real bummer but not as bad as the lack of Gore.

Hopefully, we can disable killing blows. If not, then I feel your pain.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:19 am

Dude the most epic cascade failure that i know will be in this game is EVEN LESS armor slots, and you probably can do cloths over/under armor...

less than morrowind=not enough customization


The customization in Morrowind went beyond vanity. Finding each piece of armor for a complete set (of your choosing) was a mini-game in its own right. Having to hunt through tombs, dungeons and ruins. Trying to find each piece of what is considered to be extremely rare and powerful. The roleplay options were infinite, the enchantments were creative, and the look with clothing was awesome. Seems like each game, Bethesda whittles this aspect down even further. In twenty years, Elder Scrolls 8: The Kingdom of Generica is going to be played with just one button, in an empty room with a Lotor goblin the same level as you. Alright, maybe that's a little to cynical, but it seems like Bethesda is just giving the axe way to much with things that don't really need removing.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:31 am

I lOVED THIS GAMEPLAY and if u missed it and don't feel like buffering videos. go ON DEMAND to the cutting edge G4TV and gameplay previews it is awsome. anyway i was somewhat dissapointed with a lot of things. the first one is of course the camera angle. in TES it has always been directly behind u. in FO it is to the right. now they are making the same for skyrim i don't think thats a good idea. TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever.

Remember that highlighed portion...you'll see it again.

I also was mad that there was no dismemberment.

Dismemberment is FO, not TES: "TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever."

while the blood effects are good i think they should at LEAST put slashed and holes where we stab and cut. I like gore there really should have been WAY more detal with it like in L4D2.

Gore is FO, not TES though... "TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever."

The last point id like to point out is the finishers are AUTO (or so i hear) that is a real bummer but not as bad as the lack of Gore.

Auto finishing moves- oh like the VATS kill cam from FO. "TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever."

I will say that I agree with this: "TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever." :thumbsup:
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:19 am

Sounds like you were weaned on FO3 and wishing ES5 looked more like it. Differerent game entirely. I thiink they amped up the graphic kills just about right, going by the preview. Thing is we don't know yet that there might not be the rare de-capitation, or loss of limb. Probably wouldn't be the type of effect you'd demonstrate at E3 if you were trying to appeal to a wider spectrum of game players. Personally I wouldn't want or need it, but if its a rare occurence I'd be OK with it. However if its' there every 5th kill, it no longer is an Elderscrolls game to me...

I AM concerned about the automatic finishing moves. I can just see myself thinking , after 100 hours of gameplay... OK, about to kill that minotaur, which of the two finishing moves for this creature will I get to see this time.... The effect might be interesting initially, but it would get real boring afterwards. I'll take the randomness of hitting a bandit so hard that he flies through the air and lands in a barrell head first with his legs sticking out any day...had this happen in OB once within a 800 hour game. That was a wow / funny moment and totally unexpected!
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:13 am

Camera angles and the distance of the chase camera is one of those things that can be very annoying and immersion breaking if it's not right, and of course everyone has their own idea. I HATED Oblivions original chase camera... the sluggish way it would swing around, and how it would zoom WAY out whenever you sat down, got up, got on or off your horse ect. So I'd be happy if it's anything like Morrowind, or Mass Effect or Fallout in terms of camera motion and angle, and that you can set the distance but it doesn't keep zooming out like Oblivion.

As for gore I'm not bothered at all. I don't mind it in Fallout 3, but if it was gone I wouldn't miss it.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:25 am

The customization in Morrowind went beyond vanity. Finding each piece of armor for a complete set (of your choosing) was a mini-game in its own right. Having to hunt through tombs, dungeons and ruins. Trying to find each piece of what is considered to be extremely rare and powerful. The roleplay options were infinite, the enchantments were creative, and the look with clothing was awesome.

Agreed. And its not exactly as if that would really take a great deal of developer time to implement that all again (or truly affect the gameplay experience of the mindless drones that Bethesda appear to be aiming this game towards, based on comments they have said. ("The majority of gamers don't want armor customisation", in the words of Vsions. Seeing as this website is the home of the fans that are really nuts about TES, and no one thus far has said that they don't want greater armor customisation, it would appear that in some aspects of the game Bethesda are tailoring it towards a group of people that don't actually exist)
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 6:52 am

I see, those damn ghosts are trying to ruin our Skyrim. Shoulda known. I think gore is a thing that you should have a preference for. Turn it on or off and bam all of the players who are whining about it get to pick thier choice and get done with thier arguments. Adding to the fact that TES should be seperate from FO, I am really worried about how the perk system from fallout was placed into Skyrim. It looks good, it might even be something fun in the end, but I just hope that leveling to 50 does not stop you from earning perks in other skills. Like Oblivion, I liked the fact that level 50 and your class still did not stop you from becoming a master of Blunt or learning how to use illusion. The set perks in those skills where good, but they lacked luster in them. I hope that Skyrim's system is like Oblivion's with the retained ability to earn perks even after level 50. I thought I read somewhere that leveling beyond 50 was slower and you wouldn't earn any perks, if that is true then I will be one unhappy camper.

And maybe even mad enough to invite Alduin for world dinner.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:12 am

My #1 dissapointment is how the game seems to be focusing more on action than role-play/customization. That was what made Oblivion so enjoyable and addicting when I first discovered it, I could be anyone, do anything. Fighting/combat gets really old fast, changing my character around, discovering new areas and finding new items to wear is the best part of the game.

Other than that, I don't like finishing moves because I can see those quickly becoming boring and redundant. The switching to third person thing makes that issue ten times worse, it's just like "Red Dead Redemption" when the character skins a dead animal or something else, LAME.
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Maria Garcia
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:01 pm

Auto finishing moves- oh like the VATS kill cam from FO. "TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever."

I will say that I agree with this: "TES should be TES and FO be FO no merging whatsoever." :thumbsup:

The Kill Cam is a better comparison than VATS. VATS you have to initialize yourself. The Kill Cam is automatic.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:47 pm

I've had some pretty detailed nitpicks myself, but they didnt affect my opinion of the game. Dismemberment could be cool, but I'm fine either way. And I never noticed anything about the camera.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:16 am

Camera angles and the distance of the chase camera is one of those things that can be very annoying and immersion breaking if it's not right, and of course everyone has their own idea. I HATED Oblivions original chase camera... the sluggish way it would swing around, and how it would zoom WAY out whenever you sat down, got up, got on or off your horse ect. So I'd be happy if it's anything like Morrowind, or Mass Effect or Fallout in terms of camera motion and angle, and that you can set the distance but it doesn't keep zooming out like Oblivion.

As for gore I'm not bothered at all. I don't mind it in Fallout 3, but if it was gone I wouldn't miss it.

u can zoom in and out to ajust the camra angle
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Brian LeHury
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:46 am

That's asking a bit much I think. While I agree it would be awesome if we did actually get signs of tissue damage on our enemies; it's just not a feature that is important for this type of game.

A mature game with medieval like combat.. Dude, if this is not "the type of game", then nooone are :rofl:
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Ian White
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:02 am

Having the 3rd person view slightly off to the right is merging Fallout and The Elder Scrolls? You're going to be pissed when you see a dog called Rex somewhere in the game, aren't you?

I will acknowledge that finishing moves were a terrible choice. Hopefully that he can be an option you can turn off.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:28 pm

Hmmmm, I would say the loss of an armour slot, no mounted combat, and the possibility of no item degradation were 'disappointments', the influence of Fallout a bonus, and any lack of gore as not pandering to the 'teabagging' sector of computer gamers.
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:06 pm

I can live with a lot, I just want to see the levelling system, saying it like FO3 but better is good and all ,but I want to see what the mean by better, and levelled items better not make a return.
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Nikki Hype
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 8:48 am

I really, reaaaally hope they change the auto finishing move thing... It's incredibly annoying in fable 3...... If i want to do a finishing move, id like to have control over it and if i even want to do it -.-
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sun Jun 19, 2011 6:56 pm

Feels like one could pick any of 100 threads here to talk about what's disappointing, but yeah, finishing moves are a terrible idea, unless they're hooked into the combat such that you have to do something really special to trigger them.

Diminishing choices for customisation, whether its clothes, armour, weapons or whatever feels like a really retrograde step.

The blood splatters on the screen are wtf; completely out of place.

Still, lots of things about this look amazing, and I'll be happy if there's no compulsory fast travel, no quest markers and I can PUT BOOKS ON SHELVES IN MY HOUSE.
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:34 am

If you loose a bow, then while the arrow is in the air drop the bow, does the arrow fall to the ground like its attached to the bow.


If you throw a rock then put ur hand in your pocket, does the rock fly into ur pocket?


the blood sprays out from the point of impact.
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Toby Green
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 12:36 am

If you loose a bow, then while the arrow is in the air drop the bow, does the arrow fall to the ground like its attached to the bow.


If you throw a rock then put ur hand in your pocket, does the rock fly into ur pocket?


the blood sprays out from the point of impact.

Uhm, no. Blood doesn't just fly out when you cut someone. It's pumped out through the wound. Move the animal - move the wound - move the source of the blood spray.
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Rozlyn Robinson
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Post » Mon Jun 20, 2011 10:20 am

The way the horse moves doesn't look well, not one year after RDR is released.

Todd knows it well though... :confused:
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