The Fallout universe, as many of you will already know, is based on the concept of divergence. Somewhere between 1945 and 1961, an event or events occurred that created two very different timelines. In our own world, everything continued as it was, but in the world of Fallout, a number of changes took place that effected technological advancement, world politics, and society in general. These changes eventually led to the Great War, which in turn created the post-apocalyptic wasteland that is the setting for the series.
In Fallout 4, we are given a choice to play as either a male or a female protagonist. But what makes this game unique is the fact that these two choices, for the first time ever, actually represent two completely different individuals. Even more intriguing is the fact that when we choose one, we inadvertently seal the fate of the other. Whoever we decide to play as will be tasked with trying to find their lost spouse, as well as their son Shaun. And this unique aspect of gameplay gave me an idea.
What if, instead of choosing only one protagonist, we decided to play as both at the same time?
And so, what I have decided to do is play through the entire game using two sets of save-files. One for the male protagonist, and one for the female. Although they will begin their journey along the same path, every encounter, every decision, and every outcome, will shape a unique journey for each protagonist. I will be using a different skill set for each character, in order to cover a more diverse range of perks and abilities. My proposed setup for my two characters, who will be named Jack and Nora as per my theory on the default names, is as follows:
- Primary Weapons: Single-shot rifles including sniper, as well as bows and crossbows
- Close Quarters: Shotgun
- Backup: Explosives
- Side-arm: Combat knife (hunting)
- Armor: Custom light armor
- Main Companion: Dogmeat
- Secondary Companion: Piper
- Base of Operations: Red Rocket Garage + Diamond City (trade)
- Crafting Skills: Modifying ballistic weapons, making and repairing armor
- Additional Skills: Lockpicking and infiltration, exploring underwater
- Main Focus: Using stealth, hunting/fishing/scavenging for food & resources
- S 3 Armor Crafting, (Strong Back)
- P 8 Rifleman, Awareness, Lockpick, Explosives, Night Person, Sniper
- E 6 Toughness, Lead Belly, Marine Boy, Rad Resistance
- C 4 Attack Dog
- I 3 Gun Nut
- A 3 Sneak
- L 1 Fortune Finder, (Scrounger)
- Primary Weapons: Full-automatic energy rifles
- Close Quarters: Energy based SMG
- Backup: Heavy Weapons
- Side-arm: Plasma pistol
- Armor: All heavy types including power armor
- Main Companion: Preston Garvey
- Secondary Companion: Unknown
- Base of Operations: Sanctuary Hills
- Crafting Skills: Modifying energy weapons, building settlements
- Additional Skills: Hacking terminals and manipulating tech
- Main Focus: Using dialogue, trading items, networking
- S 5 Big Guns, (Strong Back)
- P 1 -
- E 3 Life Giver
- C 8 Cap Collector, Man Hunter, Local Leader, Inspirational
- I 8 Medic, Hacker, Science!, Robotics Expert
- A 2 Gunslinger, Commando
- L 1 Fortune Finder, (Bloody Mess)