If there would be a diving animation to dive into water, then also when you simply jump of the roof of a building you will dive with your head down, isn't it? Or is it like possible to detect wether you are above water or not?
That's what i want to ask, Johny Obliv.
This seems like it could be pretty cool.
@Johny Obliv/Vintra - I believe CDM_ indicated that you would have to hold down a key to turn your jump anim into a dive anim. I think that may be the only way to do it- even with OBSE, I don't think there's a way to detect if you're over water, or "about" to dive into water.
I am working with the animation, as much as with the problem of the player detecting if there is water below or not. So far there has been little success, but I intend to somehow make a "sonar" that recognizes what is below the player in a fraction of a second. If not otherwise, I'll make an activator box over every deposit of water so that the player switches to the dive animation when in touch with the box

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63LhoVbSHh4 There's still LOTS to be done, and that is just the (pre-)first version


As you can see, the animation needs fixing, and the script to call it came a little later than I'd wanted