DLC carves up this game bad

Post » Fri Sep 30, 2011 1:30 am

There is a difference between meaningful add-on DLC and crap, New Vegas had meaningful add-on DLC.

However, after replaying New Vegas again with all the DLC I see why my first run through NV was disappointing. There was a lot of story missing from New Vegas without the DLC. Things make much more sense and 'gel' much better with the DLC in place. I've gone from a hater of obsidian, to a fan.

That's nice, but it also tells me that I shouldn't buy these games until the GOTY drops.

Seems like there is some work to do in balancing quality DLC with not gutting a game so you have something to release for ten bucks 3, 6, 9 months down the road.

And I think the simple answer to this is, keep the DLC story line away from the main game until you are going to release the DLC.
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