This concept is simple a replacement of the legendary system by changing how they work item wise there isn't much change but NPC wise there will be a lot of change. first off the legendary drops would be replaced with legendary mods and creature based drops. the second change will be in the legendaries them selves replacing the mutations with random traits that are unique to the legendary units. This IDEA also goes with ammo type concepts which if one was added the legends would have a high chance of spawning with the ammos.
Ok lets start this concept out right with the weapon mods, these would be limited based on what the legend was for example guns and melee weapons would only be held one human enemies, supper mutants, and rarely feral ghouls, while armor mods would be on humans and ghouls (rare) only.
.44 pistol mods
peace maker(grip): a low tech grip mod, changes the .44 to look like a cowboy pistol increases damage and fire rate but make the weapon longer to reload, has a 10% chance of firing out 5 "bullets" instead of one.
revolver rifle kit(grip): adds a wooden stock, long barrel, and woodend grip to the revovler, increases range, and damage exponentially.
10mm pistol
electro suppressor(muzzle): stealth hits stun enemies knocking them to the ground (doesn't work on deathclaws or robots), does bonus damage to robots. this barrel has complex circuitry all over it and a fallout 3 energy cell on the side.
forward receiver(receiver, automatic all types): a forward mp5k type receiver, removes grip mods and adds stock and mag mods. (mags include 30 round banana, and 60 round drum)
pig sticker (muzzle): adds a pike stile bayonet to the pistol, slightly increasing melee damage and heavily increasing the rate that you can melee.
pipe weapons (all of them)
electro barrel (Barrel): adds energy damage to the projectiles
two kick receiver (receiver): fires two rounds at a time.
torch bayonet (muzzle): adds a welding torch to the front of the gun, has a 50% chance of lighting hit targets on fire.
taser bayonet (muzzle): adds a energy cell and some wires to the front, melee hits do extra damage to robots and can stun other targets.
40mm receiver(receiver): replaces the receiver and barrel with a single 40mm tube, uses a unique ammo type (this and double barrel shotgun can use), fires a lobbed grenade with 2x to 3x grenade throw range (based on perks)
shield barrel (Barrel, long or short): adds a wooden shield to the weapon, said shield takes upto 150 damage before breaking, this protects the user while they are aiming with the weapon.
Laser weapons (none institute)
wave length suppressor (muzzle): lowers the wave length of the weapon to the point it is no longer visible the effects of this completely remove recoil but cut damage by 50%. this does make the weapon a great stealth weapon though.
irraidator (Barrel, all types): adds 10-50 radiation damage (depending on barrel type)
metal shield (barrel, long barrel/automatic only): adds a metal shield to the laser weapon that can take 200 damage before breaking, heavily defending the user in combat.
arc projector (muzzle): changes projectiles fired from a beam to a ball, said ball is effected by gravity and does increased damage.
laser weapons (institute)
plasma shielding(Barrel, all types): adds four metal beams that extend when the user is sighted in, creating an energy shield twice the size of the makeshift ones you may find on other legendary units, it can take 100 damage before needing to recharge, when recharging goes down for 10 seconds and removes 2 ammo from the weapons mag.
flash port (automatic barrel): a reversed automatic barrel, this barrel has its fins oppened at the end, upon firing it will fire off 2 arcing energy projectiles that will damage near by enemies and projectiles (can blow up grenades and rockets in air) the down side is lower damage and the arc only has a 60 range.
tesleract barrel (barrel): this strange barrel has an unusual effect on the projectile upon firing it will convert the energy from a beam to a bolt of lightning like energy, this energy will be driving towards targets in a 30 degree range, the down side is it lowers max range to 120. (basically a low grade targeting projectile )
ball shot (muzzle): converts the projectile into a ball similar to the arc projector on the standard laser rifle, is really effective with the tesleract barrel as it will cause they gun to fire ball lightning that seeks out targets with high accuracy.
gatling laser
BFM[big, [censored], muzzle](muzzle): this muzzle charges projectiles fired with in it, causing the weapon to fire a large beam that is more then capable of killing a death claw at full charge. this mod changes how the weapon works hold fire to charge release to fire. at 500 ammo charge will auto fire shooting a projectile that is basically 50k damage. has a minimum charge of 50.
idea source:
riot sheilding (barrel, all types): adds a large shield to each side of the weapon, this shield can take up to 400 damage before breaking. unlike other weapon shields it protects most of the user even when not sighted in.
chained death (barrel): adds 6 more barrels to teh gun as well as a heavier drum, ups ammo max to 750 and turns the weapon into a death machine with the highest fire rate of any weapon in the game.
the spinner (barrel): adds a strange corkscrew like design to the barrels, this barrel causes rounds to fragment turning the weapon into a heavy DPS shotgun, it also increases damage but lower range to like 70.
radiation danger (muzzle) a bayonet design tipped with strange green glowing blade, does radiation damage to anything hit with melee.
Combat rifle
bren mag(mag): adds a mag that has a strange u shape followed by a curved top, ups mag to 60 and increases fire rate do to the gravity load.
saddle bag(mag): replaces the mag with a saddle bag drum mag, with a 200 round max. down side really slow reload.
LMG build (barrel): a long barrel that has a bipod, forward sight and strange rail on it. this mag almost removes recoil when firing over light cover (basically when firing while crouched near a car or sandbags or the like)
underbarrel launcher(barrel): a long barrel with a m203 like attachement, replaces grenade throws with a weapon swap, holding grenade swaps you to the m203 which is a single load grenade launcher reloaded and fired from this mode. uses 40mm grenades (added in DLC?)
under barrel shotty (Barrel): same as the launcher only replaces the grenade key with a shotgun that holds 4 rounds in a box. adds a second muzzle slot though you can only have one muzzle modded. (Reason is in double barreled shotgun bellow)
under barrel tac light (Barrel short only): works like a mining helmet but attached to the gun adds a light mod slot, can stack with mining helmets and power armor lights giving more area to see.
double barrel shotgun
master key choke(muzzle): increased close range damage, as well as the ability to breach novice or expert doors if you shot at them at close range. (20% and 5% chance per projectile respectively)
40mm receiver(receiver): replaces the double barrel with a single grenade barrel, same as pipe weapons. (Replaces barrel mods with long, short 40mm)
quad shot (barrel): adds 2 more barrels to the weapon, receiver is pushed up for this. makes reloading slower.
grenade cup (muzzle): when swap to grenade mode loads any none molotov grenade into a cup at the front, fires 2 grenades at once has 1.5x grenade range. uses shells to fire grenades though.
combat shotgun
pump loader(receiver): replaces the mag with a pump load tube, mag upgrades removed and given to inventory has 2 tube upgrades 6 round and 8 round. advantage to this is the one at a time reload allowing for faster combat reloads when you only need one round (has a really fast reload speed per round)
saddle bag drum (mag): 60 rounds of shotgun shells.
under barrel grenade launcher (barrel): see combat rifle
tact light (barrel): see combat rifle
grenade cup (muzzle): see double barrel shotgun, note can not be equipped to weapons with under barrel launchers.
pike bayonet (muzzle): see 10mm pistol
hunting rifle, assualt rifle, and smg
yeah I got nothing on this, it isn't really a good weapon in teh first place like a half way between a BR and sniper.
fusion core burner (tank): replaces the tank with a small core port and some wiring, causes the weapon to fire out rings of high energy. any one who has seen the phlog in tf2 knows where I am going with looks. has a max range of 60 (depending on barrel mod) and does more damage near the end of its range. down side you use a core and fuel to fire the weapon. (core is depleted after 3 reloads of a huge propellant tank at max perks)
plasma burner (tank): replaces teh large tank with several jury rigged plasma cells and a ripped apart mini nuke, changes the weapon to a large plasma flamer with upto 800 ammo (gives 2x ammo depending on propellant tank) down side is range is lowered to 20 (lowest is 15) making it almost a melee weapon, though it does to a large amount of damage. (only uses flamer fuel which is a plus)
heavy incinerator( tank AND BARREL): replaces the tank and barrel with a heavy incinerator build, giving it a 200 range max and causing it to fire high damage gravity effected projectiles that explode on contact, the down side used 20 ammo per shot. also has a unique sight mod called incinerator computer (must be crafted) which will show the user the trajectory of the projectiles as a green line (thin line so not to be confused with the grenade perk line)
hydraulic ram (only slot): replaces teh firing mechanics with a large water pressure ram, this ram can break open any low tech door as well as knock down anything smaller then a death claw. though it is a high damage it is slow to fire and is still a shoulder mounted weapon making it a bit unwieldy. but it has a 50% chance of unlocking any none master locked door. and a single hit is likely to kill any raider not in power armor.
poor mans fragger (only slot): replaces teh nuke with grenades can load any none molotov grenade into the thing, really danagerous as it doesn't reduce range but it does have a high spread... just don't put nuke grenade or mines in it.... oh you can use this to remote lay a minefield.
Missile launcher
4 banger(mag): replaces the body with one similar to a m202 flash, fires 4 projectiles per shot, can hold 8 projectiles is loaded in the rear with a large box mag.
puckle load (mag): load in 8 rounds slow to reload but high fire rate
fuel cutter (muzzle): cuts off the fuel to the missiles turning them into launched grenades and increasing their explosive damage at the cost of halving range.
swarm (mag): replaces the front of the gun with a strange mini missile bay that has 8 visible missiles, upon firing shoots 8 projectiles in a swarm for the cost of one ammo. works well with a targeting computer be warned removes muzzle mods.
-to be added later-
legendary deathclaw matriarch
warm deathclaw egg: this egg seems to be close to hatching, best to deal with it soon. either drop it and kill it for a bonus 300 XP or take it to a settlement build a nest (requires 20 fertilizer, 20 bone, 10 nuclear material, and 3 settlers to be put to work on it). taking it as a nest will give your settlement a deathclaw welp (small deathclaw) that can be fed and will eventually grow into a tamed matriarch. which can allow you to sell living deathclaw eggs that can be hatched at settlements to give them +80 defense. the matriarch should be watched out for while she is tamed she may cause your settlement to be attacked by "rival deathclaws" so do not do this unless you can hold off full packs of deathclaws.
NOW for the second part of this concept the legendary enemies them selves. right now they are just bullet sponges that may drop something useful and at max are just something you have to waste a second shot on if you didn't on hit them in the first place. (thank god for stealth.)
LEts start this part simple
annoying legends are low level creatures that even if they where a glowing legend would just be a simple bump to kill, they will not drop mods or special items but instead will have special attacks and give a boosted XP for killing.
rad-roach queen: 4x the size of a standard radroach this queen will lay eggs as you fight her, these eggs are quick to hatch into small rad roaches and if not dealt with fast you can be dealing with a full swarm, thankfully a grenade can take them out.
bloat flies
bloated bloat fly: this bloat flies rear end is swelling with larva, so much so that it will fire them like a machine gun, the worst part of this is, when they die they spawn 2 more smaller bloat flies. though there is an advantage they are the only annoying legendary to drop a unique loot, this being their larval sack which can be turned into a grenade that will spawn 4 alliedto you bloat flies on impact(note they are still hostile to anything else and companions).
male bloat fly: this bloat fly legend is always found in pairs of 3 with a bloated bloat fly, unlike other bloat flies tehy can not attack at a range so instead they will fly at an enemy and explode dealing radiation damage in hope of weakening it for their female counterparts to infect.
-the rest are WIP and not published in this topic-
note if anyone has ideas for this please post them I will add any good ones.