Live has been screwing up almost royally for the past several weeks, and today I can't connect at all so I've just unplugged my 360 from the Internet altogether until their crap gets sorted out. However, now when I try to load a game it says the save "...relies on content that is no longer present. Some objects may no longer be available." I load it up to see what's missing and it looks like any content I got from DLC is gone, most notably from the Anchorage pack (because I use the Chinese Stealth armor and Gauss rifle a lot, I notice it right away). These omissions don't happen if I'm connected to Live.
So is this content dependent on a Live connection? If MS's service is screwing up and isn't even available, can I not even play with content that I *paid* for? If so, what the hell kind of idiotic decision was that? And if so, thanks for making my decision on whether or not to buy Vegas an easy one.