Although the game isn't even out yet this is still pretty sad for PS3 users like myself. Fo3 last time was pretty poorly ported and supported but hopefully the same won't be the case for Fo:NV, although i did thoroughly enjoy Fo3 i think everyone can agree with the issues we had, so aslong as this is not the case this time i can wait for my DLC... even though it svcks.
The main thing i'm interested in about the DLC, like many others i think, is getting a little clarity on the statements we've had thus far.
"All we announced is that the first DLC will be exclusive to Xbox LIVE." - Exclusive to what end? Timed exclusive so PS3 / PC users will get this dlc at a later date? Or solely for Xbox?
I think the main concern here is if, cross-platform, we will all be able to get the same content. Also what time gap are we talking if it's just a timed exclusive?
I think alot of people here, including myself, wouldn't really give much of a damn if we got the DLC say a week or two after the xbox, just no clarity = confusion ..and why people get frustrated.
- Mivz