Brink (SplasDamage & Bethesda) will give a free DLC to their costumers as apologize by the multiple bugs the game has.
Learn from them, CrEATek. The first DLC pack... Wow big deal! It is a big deal when Crytek is asking people for more money for their game that is circling the drain.
Do not kid yourself, this game is unplayable. Paying for 4 DLC maps will not help this game, it would be my opinion if you already have to be paid to give the symbolic value of, say 4$ / 4 maps and for people with pre-orders for free: P
Lol just log into to MP in Crysis 2. There you can click on "Downladable content" and chose your currency... There you go, now ask yourself if the DLC will be free.
This is gonna happen: DLC released, some people buy it, Editor released: some modder copies the DLC maps with few alterations and puts it on the web. Crytek fails
On the PC crytek just can sell **** for money cause when editor is out modders will make such stuff for free. pwnd
I do care about this game and also the DLC. New 4 maps are always nice. But I refuse to pay for this DLC. I got the game pre-order and all on day 1, but it took Crytek 14 days before I could finally log on and play. Now the dare ask us for another 10 dollars/ euro. Then theys guys dont really understand how it works nowadays. You should always make you fan base smile, and nog CRY.....Crytek!!
Buy one of those two as a DVD or digital edition it must be DLC pack free , to the next edition of the game CRYSIS 3 so That way i Think For what am bought game and pay 60 euro ?hmmmmm
in my opinion this map pack must be free for limited editions at all platforms and any dlc pack must be more wishful for players (contain new modules, weapons, abilitys etc.)